This is my last post from Singapore. Currently at Changi airport...what i call the "international airport"...LOL...how in earth could Singapore have a domestic airport?I was so dumb that today when the taxi driver asked which terminal I was going I answered "the international one". He looked perplexed, so I said "hold on Ill check"..."ahh, terminal 1 please..". What a geek a country which is a city cant have a domstic airport!
Im sick, or something is wrong. Dont have much energy and lots of headaches. Our luggages have both lost 2 kilos and I cant figure out why. Maybe we left things at shabs house? Hmm no idea. As far as i know we only left Miquels pink socks and pants. Its all my fault, i put my new red Angkor Beer shirt in his washing which made all his white stuff go red. Yeah, Yeah i know you shouldnt mix color and white... (whatever!). So he had to through out a bunch of his socks...oops! Tonight the roles had reveresed, he didnt sleep at all and I had a very nice night. Except for him waking me up at 3am to tell me he had lost all his money. When I woke up at 6 we found his money nicely placed in the place where it always was...what a relief! Hahah Miquel hasnt been allowed into the lounge this time. He always comes in as a guest but this time not. Anyways this lounge is definately not as nice as others so i think he isnt missing out on much. He is probably sleeping somewhere else in the airport.
Regarding Singapore its been a nice visit, but both of us were really exhausted. Yesturday we headed to my families center "vivo shopping mall" ..woho! Then we took a monorail to Sentosa island. Sentosa was nice, its like a resort island where you can waste all your money. Well we didnt go on any ride or have any great lunch but it was nice to see. I remembered sentosa quite differently. Sentosa is always under reconstruccion so they were builduing more and more attractions for tourists. What stroke me is that there were quite a few beaches. Really nice beache actually, white sand, palm trees...but the view was of huge ships and the port ...trully the last place you want to go to! Horrible!It felt really fake. We decided to make our way back to mainland by the cable car. Maybe not a good idea since we are both a bit afraid of hights. Specially Miquel who ended up closing his eyes for most of the way...the cable car was very very high. We also saw the Raffles hotel, which has beautiful gardens inside and passed through orchard street (big shopping mall where I got all the newest prada and gucci complements :P). On our way back we took the metro and walked what we thought would be a short walk. 1 hour later (after a 5 min. stop at the supermarket) we arrived home, exhausted...no comment. I then had a six feet under marathon and thats all I watched...

And now im heading to my last destination...last of this trip :( I cant believe september 3rd is approching, it felt so far away and now its almost here. Im heading to Tokyo (via HK..:) ). Im quite excited about it! I lived there from 1989 to 1990 and then went back to visit in 1992...since then ive heard a lot about Tokyo, ive heard my dad talk non stop about going back, but we never could. Now we are going. My parents are already there, and his friend is lending us his second appartment so we got free housing :) We will be there for 1 week, traveling around Japan. We already got our rail passes so we can travel all over japan with almost every train. Im so excited, i cant believe im going back...Cant wait to see the inmense city,japanese tv and all those famous spots i have been seeing in the pics of when I was a child, although I guess everything will have change a lot. And i really want to go to Ginza. The downpoint, its going to be sooo expensive. I think im going to want to buy so many small cute japanese things, but it will be expensive. Also, this week is when im going to regret having forgotten all my japanese...but hope to pick it up a bit.
Im happy we are changing planes in HK just cuz HK airport is one of the best of the world...so i feel like seeing it again! We do have a short connectionso I hope they work well with their logistics and our luggage makes it to Narita Airport!
Hope ( lots of hoping in these last paragraphs). I get a bit better to enjoy Tokyo at its most!! And I hope i survive the heat! After visiting my old home, Tokyo Ill be coming back home to NL, to face the reality of moving again to a new home in Paris ...