We wake up by 8am to visit all there is to see in vientiane. because they have wierd schedules we got to wake u early. By 4pm evrething will be closed..our first stop is breakfas. As always it takes a while to get it prepared . second stop is the morning market . We all end up buying some thing, be it a t shirt, bracelets or decoration object. we then head to wat tat luang. its the most important religious monument of Laos. it is there that the most important buddhist monk of laos lives. The place is beautiful and uncrowded. Although we encounter some tourists its as if we are in a forgotten land. only a few of us are rumbling around after taking a million pictures we head to another temple the wat chan and end up in a western restuarant for lunch. Turns out we find the restaurant was also mentioned in our guide. we quickly engulf our food and drink our milkshakes and then head to the national museum which talks about lao culture,revolution etc..Its an old but intresting museum full of propagand. 1 hour left before all the places close so we go to the most sacred temle of laos. wat simuang. This place is beautiful and once again qute empty. after observing a monk during 20 minutes anna miquel and i get "venerated" (hmm however that is called..)by the monk. He talks in Lao and puts a bracelent in each ot our arms and throws holly water in our head. Didac doesnt do it and its a really bad idea. When dinner time comes we all get delicious food. Instead, didac who had until now always had the best food gets the worst!! hahah After that visit we pick up our passsports with the visa for cambodia. And at some time during the day we also end up at wat sisaket. This temple is full of buddhas of all sizes. We hadnt been able to go there the day before cuz it was 4.30 and it was closed.The walls ohave little caves each of which hold two budhas. really nice. the night ends in vientiane having dinner at a little cafre by the main road by the mekong. Then we head for dessert to a french restarant. ITs hard to belive this is the capital of a country. Its so quiet and tranquil country. Tuck Tucks here are for 6 ppl more o ror less so we can always travel together. The country seems so save and the people frindly. there arent too many lights in the streets. Many places are oriented for backpackers and its hard to imagine how this would be with out them. round 800,000visitors come to Laos every year. A lot less than neighbouring Thailand. The landscape is beagufil with the mekong river, limestone ountains and very green jungles,waterfalls,lakes a dn caves. This palce has 14,000km of roads of which 80% are unpaved. Making it very unhandy in the rainy season...NOW!
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