09 d’agost 2007


Im officially the person who has taken the most pictures 877 of the four of us. I think some of you arent going to be suprised.... i mainly go crazy when i meet people and kids and start taking pictures. I have a lot of memory and im not taking it with the highest resolution so im having lots of fun with my camera...just dreaming of getting a better one soon.Today we went to CHampasak and from there we went to Wat Phou which is also a UNESCO site..it is ruins of a "temple"and its very famous..we went there by boat. And when i mean boat i mean something made out of wood that when someone would move a bit it would move from side to side. I didnt really like it,although i enjoyed the views for the 1.30 hour ride. We then took a tuck tuck to wat phou...on the way back we also had to take a tuck tuck all the way to paxe..That meant we had to cross the river. We did that with a ferry. Which i dont even know how to describe. THe feery had ppl and trucks and cars on it, and hmm it was made out of wood and a steering wheel and some chains....Thanks god that we were just going to the other side. As our tuck tuck tried to get on the ferry it ended up with the wheel stuck ont he water. It seemed that it was uanble to put the wheel on the wood between teh land and the boat. So there you have didac and a bunch of people pulling the tuck tuck backwards. FInally the engine started again and they put the tuck tuck in that "ferry"...Tommorrow we are going on a tour around this area. As all tours this one will leave early in the mornign. I dont think we have ever woken up earlier than 8am and we dont go to slee to early either...Im looking forwards to twommorrow as seeing villages involves seeing people which involves picture time!! :)

Chob Chai for reading and byebye!!