I wanted to put some pictures up of the day but. . . I just realized the cable I brought is for super mini usb and i have a medium USB so forget about that. . . Images will come one day or other.
This morning I woke up to the beautiful words (I talk to myself..."everyone is in the office and you are in Iran") So I went for breakfast and then decided to go explore the city. This time on my own. I dont know where all the dangers everybody mentions where as I faced none really. Yeah at the beggining and generally speaking it was mainly men in the streets. Woman were fully covered in black and others in tigher/shorter fashion. However I dont feel its as strict as in Saudi Arabia or any other countries, woman still show hair and the young ones are dressed quite liberaly. I had no problems at all. In the entire day I had maybe the intuition 3 times that a guy was following me, but I simply started walking slower, asking people directions, looked at him with a face of FUCK OFF and that was more than enough. For the rest a couple whistles and commetns here and there but nothing really compared to the amount of people I crossed.
At the first moment I was lost so I decided to ask people for the Bazaar. As simple as it is the word Bazaar it seemed like people where not really understanding. I tried many different pronounciations until finally I think I got it right. The problem is that the word Bazaar led them to ask me 10,000 questions which I could not understand. I made it to Goldestan palace where I saw 2 tourists (yeahhhhyyy tourists!) and an iranian couple that tried to talk to me with an impossible to overcome language barrier. In the back there was a girl looking at me and smiling who had an SLR and finally she came up to me and asked me questions. Serah walked me later to the bazaar and the Immam Khomeini mosk and she bought me a bottle of water. I have to say people here are quite nice, always asking where you are from and how you are.
The streets are hazzling, forget about the word traffic light. cars busses and motorcycles up and down. This is not like south east asia where motorcycles dominate but it is mainly cars going very quick and driving crazy. My tactic wait until someone appears at the crossroad and cross right by them. If that doesnt work, wait 2 seconds take a deep breath and cross making sure that the only thing approaching are cars and motorcycles. If a bus is approaching tactic is simply to wait.
In the bazaar I also bought a very long thing to cover myself. The guy was saying that the price in Spain would be more expensive. As I told him it was too expensive. And I said "yeah maybe it would, but trust me I wouldnt wear that there" he started laughing...
I also visited the Jewels Museum. Had to cross a super huge door where the jewels are hidded, the amount of silver,dimonds etc was incredible. A security gard approached me and I though I had to leave, but all he wanted was to knwo where I was from hehehe.
Also the official goverment builduings are quite grayish and huge. This city aint that nice at all, specially this center where Im staying as its full of small shops and very buzzing, but that is what I like about traveling. Outside the official builduings there are billboards with phrases from the Koran. i wanted to take some pictures but it was clearly forbidden by signs, i asked twice and they said No. So No is No!!
I ate this intresting icecream with coconut, pistacho, nuts ..it was like a Mcflurry but simply way better!!
Also, its a mess cuz they have Rials and Tomman. So 1 Tomman is equal to 10 rials. Its a mess cuz i never know what people are speaking in and I constantly get confused :S
The headscarf once its on u bearly notice it, so so far so good.
By the way yesturday I was in the gate of Ahmadinejad residence and working area.
I have been told I look iranian... oh really!?
And tonight dinner with Zainab.
Sorry about the pictures!!
Im leaving Theran tommorrow, and must just add what estrong Im in Iran!