The hospitality of the people in this country doesnt have limits and its hard to describe it.
Basically you cant spend more than 24 hours alonewithouthaving an interesting conversation with one person or another.
For instance the receptionist in the hotel in Tehran, Mr. Mousavi, By mail he already offered to do a pick up in the airport for me , and then while having lunch eh would make sure that the BBC was on and that I would have access to the english written newspaper. He also sold me a sim card for my phone and took all the possible actions within the next 72 hours until my phone got unblocked and fully working. He organiszed all my trip bybus to Rash where he organized a taxi for me to Masuleh. He called me on the way to Rash to make sure I was arriving, then he called the taxi then he made sure I got on the right taxi, then he told the taxi where to go. I wanst sure if that was the right taxi. He told me it was taxi 115 but i couldnt see the number. Keep in mind they dont use our alphabet, so i didnt want to do a 1h ride with the wrong taxi. I didnt get into it until Mousavi talked to him and confirmed that was the right car.
He reserved me a place with his friend in Masuleh, all of this involved tons of phone calls for which he shouldnt even have helped. And im not talking about a 5 star hotel in Tehran, but a small hotel in the south of Tehran by the bussy Amir Kabir street. To add to it he wrote everything down in a paper for me in english and in Farsi so that I wouldnt get lost.
I had my breakfast with delicious rose jam ohhhhhhhhh that was so so so good!!! I then eat an egg and start caughing so so hard and i hear someone go AB AB AB .. and it took me a few seconds to realize that they were saying WATER WATER...the watier comes with a glass of water a minute later.
As I left the hotel to go take the bus in Ferdosi street I start walking and bump into quite a few people that say hello, i dare to cross some crazy streets with 10 motorbikes coming at 100km per hour against me... and after asking for Arjentin Arjentin a few times I find my bus!!! In the bus a girl stops me and asks me tons of questions. Who am I where am i from, how do i like iran. Do I need help? She can take me to the last stoop Arjentin, where i have to go and show me which bus goes to Rash. So nice!! Not needed but so nice. Everybody thinks Im iranian even this girl told me she thought I was from here and my backpack was cuz i was going ot go climb hehehehe!! Her friend even offers to pay for my ticket "iranian tradition" I tell her its not needed and i payed when i got off. Its 12 kilos i dont understand why its so heavy, but well... she shaked my hand suddenly and got off the bus.
The buses are segregated men go in the front and women in the back. When u get off the bus u have to go to the front door and give the money to the driver!!
Thanks to Mousavis writing in Farsi I quickly find my bus and pay for my ticket! After 15 minutes we leave Tehran which within the city has various expressways. In the bus they gave us te, cookies ,sunflower seeds and cake. And if that wasn't enough the woman next to me she gave me a cucumber, i told her no thanks, but i had to eat it. Afterwards she took out a bag of candy and gave me two, later an apricot, and then once i ate that another one!!And you cant say no cuz she will not take the bag of food from in front of u until u put ur hand in it and take something. She also gave me more dried fruits and took my tea glass and put hers in it so that I don't get burned. All of this without her speaking english and me farsi. So u know i take my 2 pages of farsi english dictionary and i make a few sentences such as Im going to Masuleh, tomorrow i go to esfahan. I am from spain. My name is... it works, we start talking. She calls her son and she starts writing in a paper"do you have a taxi for u waiting? i can help" sooooo nice!!! i take the opportunity to get the pronunciation of the numbers right. Suddenly she gives me the bags with fruits she has left and gives it to me... no words, i have no words. And i have nothing to give to her.
We stoped in the middle to go to the toilet where all the woman take out their headscarf , i have to say i feel quite confortable dressed like this.. u cant see my overweight!!! headscarf is okay and walking in the mountains as well is horrible, so hot!! (more on that to come on next entry..) In that stop over the woman bought a bunch of bread but i had to say no i really couldn't eat any more!!!
Once I got in the taxi from Rash to Masuleh the taxi driver called the guy in Masuleh and dint leave me until the guy from the hotel came. Wowwww!!!
much more and more astonishing comments on Iranian Hospitality coming up very very soon!!
I cant check facebook from here.
oh some guys were talking infornt of me and i thought "omg i sudenly understand farsi perfectly!!! then I realized they were speaking czech..."looser!
1 comentari:
XD m'encanta el final d'aquest post!
potser aqet cop no parlaven farsi, però en unes setmanes segur que els començaràs a entendre XD
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