Things go wrong sometimes....but then its a matter of making them go right!!!
Out of all the days today could of have been the worst one, and it hasnt even been that bad. That to say that Iran overall continues to seem to me as quite a safe country. I walked out of the Hotel in Esfahan today and went for a walk towards Immam Square, chequed out the shops, mosques and went back to Fereni Hafez to eat some fereni...delicious rice flour, milk, sugar and rose water with date syrup. Simply delicious. Later in the Mosque I met a guy, he seemed odd. I took 1000 pictues while he asked me questions, I was quite cold. Changed my zoom, rechanged my zoom and he wanted to take a pic of me with my SLR, but he just seemed everything but trusty. So I said no. Later he wanted to take a pic of me with his phone so I said NO and walked out of the mosque. I chequed out all the shops around the area and there was still 1 hour till I meet Reihaneh when suddenly, there he was following me!!! I dont know if he had been following me for 1h without me knowing or if we simply had rebumped into eachother. I dont get it, here guys follow you infront, which is simply dumb. They walk, they stop they walk they stop. This has happened to me multiple times, but it hadnt happened yet in such an obvious and long way as today. I tried hidding but he kept finding me, screw it. I called my friend to know when we were meeting. I looked at him and he knew I knew he was following me. I started going through the spices bazaar which I was quite intresting but I was getting nervous cuz he kept following me and in that area it was only woman, so I didnt want to go there. I went backwards when up to him and I looked at his face and said ENOUGH, this is ENOUGH stop FOLLOWING ME. At that point he pretended not to understand english, while in the mosque he spoke english. I think my tone made it quite clear that it was enough... I walked to a shop and then a guy there who had said hi to me before said hi again and asked if I was waiting for someone (i passed around 10 times around the shop, so he thought it was strange). I told him I was waiting for Reihaneh and in addittion someone was following me. So he said, no problem just stay in my shop until the guy goes away. After 45 minutes Reihaneh came and I left... I missed the Spice Bazaar but luckily im going back to Esfahan soon.
The day continued with my arrival in Yazd. I couldnt see a taxi terminal and there were a bunch of people saying taxi taxi. Not following my own and my friends adivce I got into one of them.... the taxi had no official logo nothing. He simply said the name of the hotel I wanted to go to, so I thought yeah Ill just get in it. I got in it, and as we were driving I had the feeling he was doing wierd things. I thought the hotel was near the station and we were driving for a while. I called Reihaneh and told her I was in the taxi and to call me back in 10 minutes to make sure I made it. But the driver kept driving and he spoke no english. I asked how far Se Kilometers?? (3 kilometers??) he said, no 10. I felt unease, according to the guide the hotel wasnt that far. So I suddenly saw a junction and police and I made the taxi stop. I took all my luggages out of the taxi and went to talk to the police. In no time I had 10 guys who spoke no englihs surrounding me and one arrived who spoke english and told me the driver was very known. How sure was that??? The police man seemed to say it was OK to go with that driver so yeah... I just went onwards. The taxi driver called the hotel so I would relax and made me talk to t owner to tell him I was on my way...At the end I ended paying more than I told him I would, but fine. I guess better be secure than get a taxi that takes you god knows where!! At the end I made it sound and safe and I have my bed in my dorm in Yazd.
3 comentaris:
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he intentat posar comentaris 3 vegades i no hi ha manera...Tindré mes sort ara?
Be, sembla que funciona ara...Et volia dir que el que és important és que tot acabi be i que de bojos i ximplets n'hia per tot arreu, el que passa és que alguns per el fet de que vagis sola es creuen amb mws força. Endavant, ja tinc ganes de veure totes les fotos.
per sort, la història d'aquest ximple es queda en una anècdota per explicar!
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