This book is in my hands and its real.Its not a dream but I have the ticket, the visa is almost processed and in 24 days I will be landing in Tehran. My heart was starting to speed up as I was walking towards Altair, one of my favorite shops in Barcelona. I spend around an hour deciding which one of the guides to buy. I reckon the assortment was small. Tons of literature on Iran, very little on traveling, even less on Iraq. And this is what excites me, to find not that many tourists and yet a country full of culture.
The more images I see of the country the more excited I get, the more my hearbeat starts speeding up, and I cant count the days to the landing. Iranians are known for to their hospitality, and this country seems tainted by the fact that everybody believes it belongs to the axis of evil. I recond ill be between countries I have never traveled to, Afganistan, Pakistan,Iraq,Turkmenistan, but this is what makes it more intresting. Countries that pop in the news and from which we only see extremists, but that is not all there is.
We are all in this planet, living in the same routines in our own area without opening boreders and allowing all that propaganda to come to us. Go to Ibiza for the parties, dont go to Iran they have nuclear weapons, go to Spain for "Cerveza and Sangria", go to Holland for rain, dont go to America they only eat burgers. How many are willing to break those barriers and go explore what really is there? I admit that traveling alone might stop me for doing certain things, I already took extra care on my RTW trip in 2007 which might not have taken had I been with someone. But this June ill take the chances and go see what there is in the Middle East. In January I got the taste by seeing Turkey, I came fascinated by its culture and people, and now its Iran's turn.
Time to open the book, have a read and go to sleep.
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