The Asia without Borders magazine published the winning pictures of their 2009 competition, which intended to "capture the striking facets of Asia's land, people architecture and wildlife" The grand prize was awarded to the above picture taken in India.
I would like to know what lead the photographer to take such a picture and in which place the picture was taken as there is no description if this took place in a hospital where they were weighing this person with problems. Is this person shouting of anger due to pain in his body or due to the pain of being photographed? A prize which will give the winner a great camera to enjoy himself taking even more pictures with the flight ticket he will get to go to Delhi. Although this picture does declare a clear health problem, and might be "denouncing" it, it feels a fully unethical picture to me. What did the photographer do after the picture? Who is this person? Where is the picture taken. I would not have voted for this picture as the winner of the competition.
The other winners can be seen in the following link http://www.asiangeo.com/awb09_results/flipviewerxpress.html and I feel they much more adhere to capturing the facets of Asia.
1 comentari:
Wordless: as the rich part of the world is feeling sick because of xmas excess with food and alcohol and prepares to exceed even more on the new year's eve..well..there's an innocent - there are several indeed - which is struggling against starvation.
I wonder how long this imbalance can last..
thk Gise to spread this prize winning photo.
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