Photo by me
India 2006
I dont think I have learned this week to obtain inner peace, but I have at least realized that I should calm down interiorly and not allow the disrespect of people to affect me.
Disrespect from people at work, disrespect from people in the streets, disrespect from people in the metro, disrespect from the lady that sold me the tickets in the movie center, disrespect from the girls in the shopping mall. Id love to teach to certain people what respect towards others means. Unfortunately I will probably never be able to do so as being disrespectful as they are they would never bother listening, and even less understanding and even less assuming the fact that they were disrespectful.
The best is to be kind and corteous to others - hello, thank you, goodbye- and for the disrespectfull comments -in one ear out the other-
According to wikipedia ´Respect is esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person´. Technically speaking if we are not bothering or hurting anybody I would assume that we deserve a sense of worth.
Today I stood at a sports shop asking you to buy some warm cloths for the homeless to help them pass the winter. There was no need for you to expres your frustration and shout at me cuz you pay already too many taxes. There is even less need for you to pass by and pretend you werent listening, and there is no need for you to gesticulate with your hand when you can open your mouth and say ´no thank you im not interested´. Theres nothing more annoying than to see everybody trying to get in the metro when you are clearly trying to get off it, and even worse people pushing you out of the wagon cuz they want more space. Not wanting to sell me a ticket to go see a movie at the UGC when I pay everymonth to have unlimited tickets, and in addittion insulting me.
Imagine if we would all get on the bus and say Good Morning, If we would at least let people get off the metro before geting on it and if we would actually just say ´No thank you´ in the morning to the guy that is offering you a newspaper. Would we arrive to work with a different smile and attitude?
1 comentari:
Agree with your view point but you have to realise that maybe its not disrespect, someitmes you dont know what others are going trhouhg maybe they have been thought soo much that they have become dis-connected and dont realise.
Each person has his/her story and their attitude refeclt their story, and as we dont live in the perfect world where everyone is carefree and happy we are bound to come across bitter people. Just dont take it personally....
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