The dark tunnel to cross the Alps was never ending but inally we finished crossing it. Soon after crossing the tunnel came a station, I can see that all the cars have yellow licence plates- we re back in the Hexagon- France. Still 4 hours until we arrive at Paris. This willb eo ne long trip. I have in 1 day gotten a bad cold and Im trying to survive even though I feel comple
tely congested. The pink toilett paper that I stole from the toilet is gona run out, i can already sense it and I dont feel I have too much energy to go and steal another 100 meters of toilet paper- quantity needed for the level of this cold.
It has started to get dark outside, the sky is still has some dark blue and the black siluette of the mountains can be seen through the window. It will soon be pitch dark. The trip, although short has been good- very good. It a way, it has been a culinary trip- thus excellent. As I got off at P orta Sussa the first impresion was that the builduings waroudn where greyish and decading. I quikcly found the metro to go to the other station, Porta Nuova. It was there that Carlos and Giulia where both waiting for me. The metro was cheap! 1 euro! Coming from Paris where the price has just increased from 1.50 to 1.60 euros I smiled. I also felt I was in a small place. The train had stoped in a station with only 3 train trakcs, the metropolitana (meto hehe) was line 1 but there were no other lines int he city. And indeed Torino is a city of 700,00 inhabitatns which is runned mailnly by buses,trams and this 1 metro line. I quickly got to Porta Nuova, which was only 3 metro stops aways and foudn Carlos by the elevators. This area had a different feeling that that of Porta Susa- seemed more renovated and there where more people- good sign. Giulis, so smart as always, had decided to go shopping and bought youghurts for the breakfast of the Mr. The thing is they couldnt stay int he car allday long so she had to go to her friends house to leave the youghurts in the refrigerator since she lives in Asti a 40min ride.
We were all starivng and headed for the search of a restaurant. however, we passed by a square which there were doing a degustation of different foods by the association of cooks of Torino. I grabbe a dish with cheese ham and varied things and shared a Foccacia with Giuila. DELICIOUS. We then started walking through the center. The old part of Torino is organised by parallel and perpendicular lines making it a perfect grid. Hoaving been the first capital of Italy it has mulitple castles,squares and palaces. The center has a ceratin magic to it. In the middl eof the walk we stopped for my first coffe. 1 euro and EXCELLENT.
Kept walking to stop at a DELICIOUS icrecream chain GROM- Dark Chocolate lemon and for 50 extra cents home made cream on top of the icecream. MORE THAN DELICIOUS. Grabbed the car and drove to the Olympic stadium.
It has started to get dark outside, the sky is still has some dark blue and the black siluette of the mountains can be seen through the window. It will soon be pitch dark. The trip, although short has been good- very good. It a way, it has been a culinary trip- thus excellent. As I got off at P orta Sussa the first impresion was that the builduings waroudn where greyish and decading. I quikcly found the metro to go to the other station, Porta Nuova. It was there that Carlos and Giulia where both waiting for me. The metro was cheap! 1 euro! Coming from Paris where the price has just increased from 1.50 to 1.60 euros I smiled. I also felt I was in a small place. The train had stoped in a station with only 3 train trakcs, the metropolitana (meto hehe) was line 1 but there were no other lines int he city. And indeed Torino is a city of 700,00 inhabitatns which is runned mailnly by buses,trams and this 1 metro line. I quickly got to Porta Nuova, which was only 3 metro stops aways and foudn Carlos by the elevators. This area had a different feeling that that of Porta Susa- seemed more renovated and there where more people- good sign. Giulis, so smart as always, had decided to go shopping and bought youghurts for the breakfast of the Mr. The thing is they couldnt stay int he car allday long so she had to go to her friends house to leave the youghurts in the refrigerator since she lives in Asti a 40min ride.
We were all starivng and headed for the search of a restaurant. however, we passed by a square which there were doing a degustation of different foods by the association of cooks of Torino. I grabbe a dish with cheese ham and varied things and shared a Foccacia with Giuila. DELICIOUS. We then started walking through the center. The old part of Torino is organised by parallel and perpendicular lines making it a perfect grid. Hoaving been the first capital of Italy it has mulitple castles,squares and palaces. The center has a ceratin magic to it. In the middl eof the walk we stopped for my first coffe. 1 euro and EXCELLENT.
Kept walking to stop at a DELICIOUS icrecream chain GROM- Dark Chocolate lemon and for 50 extra cents home made cream on top of the icecream. MORE THAN DELICIOUS. Grabbed the car and drove to the Olympic stadium.
Yes, Torino had Olympic games. Winter games- they say these ones count as much as summer ones. Carlos and I ares still a bit skeptic about this concept. However Giulia having been a volunteer of the games in 2006 eagerly defended their importance. But serioulsy, how many of you remember Torinos games only 2 years ago?We at least managed to convince her of the ugliness of the onlympic torch. Some sort of 4 tubes interviened. It semed lika a factory. Now the stadium has becomed the Juve and Torino stadium, who astonishngly share it. This is a practice which in Spain would seem impossible and yet is frequent in Italy. We stayed and rested in the park infront of the stadium, and saw the sun set from there. After we headed to Il Lingotto. There used to be some factories belonging to Fiat but where dismanteled and remodernized by the same architect who did the pompidou museum in Paris. there now are conference centers, shopping malls and a place in which my eyeballs left myface and I would have loved was my home - EATALY- the name sais it all.
It was a sort of supermarket-restaurant you cou.d get all sorts of fresh and seasonal fruits, meat,fish beers and typical italian food. In addition each section had its own bar restaruant. It was only 19h and at 20h we had an apointment for dinner with Giulias friends.... but being gourmands as we were and since we were once again hungry we rested our asses in one of the restaurants. We allowed our paletts to enjoy a DELICIOUS rice salad and a dish of warm tomato pssata with Ricotta and tosted bread. I couldnt finish it, but it was EXCELLENT (yes,again). If I could eat like that everyday at work and in life...then my life would be perfect. Then we headed to the wine and beer section downstaris, just because the toiletts where there. Carlos had to grab two ales. I stopped at the wind section, where there were huge barresl and empty bottles. We rang the bell and a young guy came to our aid.
- hi we want a 1L bottle of red wine
- sorry we only have bottles of 2L
- No problem.
I kept taking pictures in theis food, drinks paradise and our bottle of wine got filled infront of our eyes in a moment. Off we headed and we went for the search of Giulias friends- Giulia2 and Ale- and headed to dinner. Giulia, Carlos and I clearly knew it "we are going to have something small". However by the end our dinner consisted of a pasta plate, sorbeto limone and coffe. LEKKERx10000 We then went to giulias friends house to grab her youghourts and since we were all falling asleep after 1h of chatting we got the wheels of the car rolling to Asti. I myself fell asleep already int he car. We did wake up a bit latter than planned and had certain issues with getting warm water in the shower but by the morning we headed of to suberga. Its a churche on top of the mountains. Oh, before you wonder breakfast was also DELICIOUS with Molino Blanco cookies and home made coffee. However, back to suberga, It wasnt even cold but due to my cold that I had had through the night I was very cold and sleepy. The view was nice but again due to fog we couldnt fully see everything. The church in the inside was in reparation. After a while we grabbed the car and came back down the moutnain to stop at a pizzeria for some pizzas and coffe. Pizza Cipola it was and well EXCELLENT again! We headed by the river and had a walk around it, it was very calm and relax and there where lots of families and kids walking around later went to town had one last walk, one last icecream and yeah 2ominutes before the train departure I told Giulia I had to have my last coffe macciato, so I went to the station bar to have an excellent coffee....
Now,back in Paris curring my cold and feeling jelous about the fact that Carlos and Giulia are still able to be eating and drinking those excellent icecreams,pastas,pizzas and coffees. They did a good job in motivating me to move there. Expectations more than fullfilled!
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