30 de maig 2007

Missing a bus is great! :) Not!

i am moving to the technique of writing in my notebook and then tranfering it to the blogger. Yes,this technique suxs because its physically painful *its been a while since I write) And also, its painfully slow!! I thougth I was in love with my sunglasses(which i had bought in queensday after years of not having any(. But shit happensa nd they borke. I never liked sun glasses and now that its hot and very warm i really need them and they break. grrr!!!! That aint helpfull. What broke was the samll screw that holds the glass to the frame, but i am still weaering them since I am sitting down. I headed to the water front and everhithing here in great. Not many people (suprisingly!!), sun shining and no wind :) I decided not to go up on th CN tower because im a bit "fed up" of tower city views. I have seen Tornonto quite qell from the plane and that was enough.

I really like the traffic lights, they tell you exactly how many seconds you have left to cross. Its just funny:)Once I am in sydney I will upload as many pics as possible in the blog.The trams in tornonto are also very cute, they are old and RED looking. In the morning I did the north west loop turistic bus and after a while in the frontside I decided to catch a bus that does the east west look. But this only goes 4 times a day. I had to go to 200Ft.Street and they also have a stop at 123 ft street. So, I walked qauickly to the stop. I had the feeling I was in the wrong stop so I walk further down. Then asked someone if i was in the right place, i was todl by other tour guides that iw as at the right stop. However the bus never showed up. I was at the wrong place. Frustrated i headed to the souvenier shop with a sign "cheapest prices in toronto" and bought a 5 dollar t shirt..lets wsee how long it lasts. I sat at the coffe place and had a cafiato. Then i headed for a walking tour of the city for 1 hour and then met with my australian friend to go see the brewery.We had dinner at kensington market and ate some giant chilean empanadas, super lekker!! Im very frustrated about the fact that prices dont include taxes!! You think something is 4.99 but when you head to the cashier its 5.16!!! i am really looking forwards to my arrival in Texas. I havent seen Elaina since 1999 and spending some time at her place will be nice. Feraky though, her siblings will be so old, and no longer 4 year old kids!

There is a lot of ethnicity in Tornonto, peopole are from all over. Infact I saw a sign which said that a bus stop had been canceled and the sign was translated into 10 different languages. I dont think I want to live in this cioty its a bit too calm and quiet. For instance bus to airport comes every 20 mintues, in barcelona its every 6 minutes!!I can also imagine it must be freezing in the winter!! id like to do a trip across canada in the future. By car would be great, get of the beaten track and go see bears (haha. So drivers, are you gona join me?

Im also thinking about bkiking/camping tour of Ireland. So if anybody wants to join *this is speically directed to my biking partner). Talking about bikes, there are quite a few bikes in the city but they are ALL mountain bikes. Excpte i saw one that was RED dutch bike. It had no brakes and a whlee lock and a DUTCH FLAG!! hahaha also must note that its hard to believe there are 13 hour differnce with my parents!!So when i wake up they are about to go to bed..just crazy!

-------- Ready for departure from Toronto....

1 comentari:

shuggams ha dit...

ohhhhh bike tour sounds great! thought i still havent got a new bike. went to see one the other day but the breaks didnt work and the handels were super sticky/gluey. it sucked..... still bike hunting. if you see a good deal during your travels let me know