Was not planing to do an entry but I got on internet to do some internet banking and now i got 15 min left of credit, so lets see how much I can type. First of all, the :S in my previous blog entry where copied from misses Jingaling...so its all her fault. I have to say that I am quite tiered for the past two days i have been waking up at 7:30 in the morning to do things.. But I have basically done nothing on my own, I have met a girl from Australia in the hostel and we took a ferry yesturday to cross to an island and see the skyland on Toronto. Then it turned out we were both booked for the same tour to NIagra falls,so we went there together as well. And we joined a guy from london and a girl from hongkong and visited niagra the four of us (we were in a tour,but we had 4 free hours in the falls).The falls were very nice, they were EXTREMLY touristy and hotels and builduings were right by the water. However we took a boat that took us literaly to the bottom of the falls and that was amazing, i took too many pictures, and luckily my camera is still working even though it got a bit wet. Later on we took a tunnel that went "under"the water and i got freaking soaked in water, but that was very entretaining. It turns out that in 1960 a 7 yearf old boy fell of the falls and he survived...wow!! There was also a tower you could climb and see the view from the top but i was so tiered that i passed on that one, i had seen too much wateralready.
At night they did a light show and they lighted the waterfalls, really neat. That was the moment when my battery in my camera decided to die, however i still managed to take a few pictures. Later we headed back to toronto. This morning me the australian girl and another guy we went to kensington market, it was mostly closed cuz it was only 8am but we went to this delicious bakery and got some very lekker cookies :)I then headed on my own on a bus tour of tornonto that was included in the price of the hostel. It was a nice tour, 2 horus long. I might take the second route of the tour later on. However, its a hop on hop off bus but if you hop off the next bus takes at least 1 hour to come, so i found that bullshit. I dont have much time so i stayed in the trolley/bus for the journey. The sun has been shining these past days so it has been very nice, its quite hot. However, if you go to the shadow it gets chilly and then i need my Erasmus Sweater!! Buah i have an early wake up tommorrow 3.30am to catch a plane...exciting! As far as food goes, i havent been eating that much and ive been walking a lot, and yet i think im 20kilos heavier than when I left NL :( Later on I will head to a brewery with the australian girl and see the brewery and get some beer. I saw that a girl that left my room today left us 4 beers and a note saying..FREE BEER, ENJOY...woho! And its corona..even better! So for now that is all folks... hoping the rest of the trip goes as good as it has gone so far.
29 de maig 2007
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2 comentaris:
And you were scared that going on the trip on your own might suck! good you met some ppl to keep company. I went to Utrecht and Gouda today. both towns seemed dead, hardly anyone on the streets, mayeb caus it was bad weather. oh well you visit to niagra falls and around toranto soudns wayyy more interesting than my trip.
WHAT??? tsk yeah blame poor Jing! grrr. :S
hmm already met some new ppl AND get free beer?
u didnt eat much and u walked a lot and u still think u gained 20 kilos? from what? from sitting in the plane and not sleeping much (u really gain weight if u dont sleep enough!). maybe from drinking a lot of water (:P )
hmm well shuggams even ur trip is more exciting then mine :S (well actually i dont have any trip, but that will come soon ;)
nice to see u have a lot of fun! dont drink too much beer, u still need to find ur plane in the mornin (wayyyyyy early :S )
and yeah a lot of :S in this post :D
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