Frankfurt never ending wait was long, the flight itslef went by quickly, only 10 hours!! i am so used to the 24hours flights to Sydney in which once you are in asia you still have 10 more to go that it felt like nothing. Nevertheless I bearly slept, also Air China literally suxs. it was already1 10 years ago since I took my first flight where every economy seat had its own little tv. So here i am on an air china flight in 2011 which litteral has 2 tvs for the entire middle section of the plane and to add to it they play a bad movie and i ask for another headphones and the repy is "yeah later..." whatever... food was OK but the woman gave fish to everyone who ordered meat and vice versa. I had a good laugh. Fat guy sitting by me, wierdo actually he had checked in a black luggage and when the black luggages were coming out of the convery belt he would take each one of them out and start checking if it was his. Dude put some tag that makes it clear its yours!!!! Also I LOVE watching the map in the plane knowing where we are,but since there was 1 tv I saw we were in Frankfurt but next thing I know we are in Shanghai...
So at border control in Shanghai you can actually rate the person that controls your passport. are u satisfied very satisfied unsatisfied or very unsatisfied. Loved this idea! The airport seemed extremly modern. 
I then had to take a shuttle bus to I asked and people thoguht I wanted a flight to HongKong...damn... then I got send to the long distance busses which go to other provinces and eventually i made it to shuttle bus 4 that took me to HongKou..seriously it wasnt that hard, I just made it hard after 2h flight 6 h transfer 10h flight and 1h bus I made it and saw James again. Well so we bought some amazing water pears HUGE went for some delicious food.. I was starving!! And also booked our flights back to Shanghai after our trip... to my suprise 30 min later when I checked my mail again I had an email saying my flights would be canceled if before 9pm I didnt send photocopies of my ID, credit cards and a document signed. Of course to sign the document I first need it to print it...there started the hassle. Back on the streets looking for an internet cafe. We found one but couldnt print...what a mess. Suddenly I saw a tour agency, I asked James to stay outside as I had to put on my poor foreigner face. I went in and
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