5 pounds went for a set of sushi. Clearly not worth 5 pounds, but the best way to spend exactly those 5 without getting back change. Sat down ate it, ate tons of mandarins and walked around. Sat down again and kept staring at the screen for my gate to be announced. There were 4 different flights to Sydney! Mine via Bangkok, a Qantas one also leaving same time also via Bangkok, one via Singapore and one via Hong Kong. Seriously it is hard for me to understand why so many people would be traveling to Australia. The flight was packed. So think about it 4 747 flying to Australia via south east asia. That is around 400 persons per plane = 1600 persons…and those were only the flights leaving from my terminal, there also Lufthansa, Emirates, and other airlines heading to Australia. Id like to know the story behind all these people moving up and down the globe. . .
The wait in Heathrow became long, and it included a kid spitting on me. At the end, fed up of the child, his dipper smell which was getting mixed with the smell of fried food his dad got and his attempt to spit on me again I stood up and finally the gate was announced, gate 42, the furthest possible gate in the terminal. I remembered it when I saw it, I had been there before. So we got on the plane. Had a girl next to me which was good, she was quite didn’t seem to want to talk too much and wasn’t taking up any of my space. I luckily had an aisle sit so I stood up and down quite a few times. Got offered some chicken with coconout and lime which was delicious and I ate quite a few mandarins. I dosed on and off during the entire flight, which made it go pretty quick. We went through Turkmenistan, Delhi, Varanasi, Myanmar and finally we made it to Bangkok. Spend my time watching a couple few films, start the book and got a bit drunk with some Bacardi coke. I ordered one and they gave me two…so yeah J I saw they had music so I tried to listen to it, but it was mainly crap. I saw they had “sleeping songs for adults and kids” so I put that on and this song started … “twinkle twinkle little star…” I couldn’t believe it! I stopped and moved on…in the search of some proper music. I did not find the entertainment system of BA particularly good, but it kept me bussy for a while. The BA crew gave us the welcome on board by letting us know that they would leave in Bangkok and a new crew would join then, but that crew was not at as good looking as the one flying to Bangkok. Haha.
The airport in Bangkok is very new but its so big that its very exhausting to have to do a stop over there. They made us get off the plane so they could clean it, but what we had to do, as always is walk for about 20 minutes, pass a security check, walk another 20 minutes pass another security check and finally show our passports again and board. Each security check of course with its own queues… just never ending. I saw that at least in this airport you could get free internet. Only 15 minutes and you had to register your passport number and nationality but that was good. Finally was able to connect my laptop to let people know where I was…and then I boarded again… the plane ran and ran and ran through the runway and up we were again. 9 more hours of flight ahead…
The girls sitting next to me got off at Bangkok and this fat, smelly guy sat next to me for this part of the flight I did everything possible not to talk to him. He kept trying to chat and I seriously stopped myself. He was or seemed drunk and kept ordering beers…and his smell.. bleh :S I watched a film and we were still over Indonesia… I read a book and we were still not in Australia… Finally we reached northern Australia…but we still had 4 hours to go to Sydney. It seemed never ending. They gave me chicken again but it wasn’t that great so I finished up all my mandarins and finished the other half of my jamon baguette, which gave another opportunity for the drunk fat guy to talk to me. He was jealous of my sandwich, who wouldn’t have ;-)
I filled in the immigration form…they sprayed the cabin to prevent any pest of entering Australia...
We approached…

Finally 44 kilometers away from Sydney “ Crew take your sits for landing”
And finally …. Touchdown!
Grabbed my luggage which seemed to never come out, went through quarantine check and took a taxi “home”. I didn’t really know where my parents live since they have changed apartment twice since I last came here.
Finally homeeeeeeeeeeeee, woman in black was home!!!
A bit exhausted…but it was time for a shower and to go for a walk J Australia, its sunny, its warm and it feels great. There is such tranquility. I don’t know the neighborhood around although my parents live very near the center…so we went for a short walk with my mom around the area…ah … I love it!! Sydney seems to me like an American city, but there is this relaxed atmosphere to it. It’s hard to describe it, but I’ll do my best in the coming up posts.
Im taking a plane tomorrow again…. To Adelaide!
1 comentari:
Molt bona la foto que surts saltant amb cara d super-il·lusionada, quin tip de riure!
Ja llegiré el post sencer, q ara stic molt cansat i piro a dormir!
PS. li ensenyaré el video al cangur, a vere si els reconeix!
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