14 de juny 2010


Im in Yazd!!! And its quite quite hot!! We are 39, and they were at 42 yesturday. I visited the old town this morning with another dutch and australian guy and now just chilling under the fan!!! This afternoon when the sun chills out Ill go out again. Yazd is very nice, houses are build on mud , and there are small alleys in which you can get lost. As we were walking by the Amir Chamique Mosque a guy opened us the lock and let us in, let us up to the roof where you had views of the entire city.... above is a pic of me on the roof by the dome of the mosque with the view of the city. Many pics are of the same day thus the same clothing, but do keep in mind that my shower at night involves also washing my cloths :) Tonight walking through the bazaar and then tommorrow near Yazd!

1 comentari:

M ha dit...

no sóc gaire bo en geografia, però he mirat un mapa i veig q estàs ben bé al mig del país! molt bona lo foto d les vistes amb totes les cases d fang!