31 de maig 2010

5 days till Iran and nothing ready.

Ohhhh lord!!! 5 days to Tehran and nothing is really ready!!! Well today I recieved my passport from Madrid!! Im saved by the bell!

Having had visits for the past 2 weeks of Italian and French friends I have used that as an excuse not to plan anything. Now that they are gone, its time to hurry and set things up...

I called my aunt yesturday to double check on certain medications and asked my cousin to bring his backpack so he could lend it to me. As he did when in Turkey.
I spend the past hour mailing friends to obtain their addresses and phones in Tehran and Isfahan.
I prebooked a hotel, now must wait to have confirmation that they have availability. Hoping so, cuz according to the guide the place is good!! Brought down to the living room a few cloths, medications, and things that I need to be sorted. For now im piling up in the livingroom all that I need and the day of packing I will take out some stuff.....dont want to carry too much weight. However, the idea of having to be all covered and sweating due to summer and having to attend a wedding makes me want to carry lots of stuff but ill try to keep it to a minimum and buy things there. Bazaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr time!!!!

Tried shopping a bit yesturday at Maremagnum but all I could see was short tight stuff... at the end I caught a couple of things at H&M. It took me years to convince myself that I should wear skirts and shorts in summer, and now that that is mostly what I owe I have to go looking for long sleeves untight cloths. Fashion will not be my thing while in Iran, well it never is with me but this time it will be bad bad. Do not expect too many pictures with me in them :D

Made a list as well of all the things I need, and hope that by the end of the week Ill have everything ready. Still got to get some major things. But the most important is that I have my passport, my visa and my ticket. Also got payed 2 days ago so im saved to pay my holidays :)

So random thought, what happends when the alarm in the hotel goes off at night ill have to run looking for my head scarf before walking out?

Second random thought, why did they not want me to have a head scarf in my visa picture?