Stroopwafels. As its name sais they are "wafels" full of a kind of "syrup". These can be bought in any supermarket, but the best ones are the ones you can get in the street recently made and warm. The wafels come from Gouda, and from there spread all around the Netherlands. How to eat a stroopwafel? Well you open the package and put it in your mouth. That would be the easiest. The best however, get a hot drink and place the stroopwaffel o
ntop of the cup as if it was a "lid". The heat of the drink will make the syrup melt and transform the stroopwafel into one of the most delicious things you have ever eat. Yes, its fat. Here are the ingreedients;flour, butter, brown sugar, yeast, milk, and eggs and for the syrup syrup, brown sugar, butter, and cinnamon


How to know that you have crossed the border? Besides the fact that when looking through the window you will start to see more and more bicycles you can know you are in the Netherlands once you see that the trains are painted in yellow. Most of the trains of the Netherlands are operated by the NS (Nederlandse Spoorwegen). I have to say that the trains in the Netherlands offer one of the best services of the countries where I have lived so far. Not only are they clean and people are relatively quiet in them, but except for certain days where there are vertragings (delays) or when the electricity station in Delft breaks down trains do run smoothly. In particular connections between the major dutch cities Amsterdam,Rotterdam,The Hague,Utrecht,Eindhoven are very often and one can choose between Intercitytreins. These trains will mainly stop in the big cities or Stoptreins which stops in all the small middle stations between the major cities.
2 comentaris:
stroopwafels..i love them!! slurp!
..nice to see that u highlighted more or less the same things that i would call "a Dutch symbol" as well :)
this is just part 1, part 2 and 3 coming up soon.
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