Paris is beautiful, specially by night illuminated. As all cities it is even more beautiful when on holidays than when you actually live in it. When you come on holidays and you like it- the streets- the alleys- the architecture- you might think "wow if I could get an appartment here" Be carefull, finding an appartment in Paris is like going thorough a beauty pagent. If you have an objective, if you try hard you will find something, but the path aint easy and you better not be too picky, specially if you are a foreigner.
In Paris there is an undersupply of appartments, in addittion many landloards are afraid that tenants will not pay up so they ask you to proof that your salary is at least three times that of the appartment. Many people end up moving to a chambre de bonne, which used to be the old maid rooms. These ones have a separate entrance in the builduing and are genearally cold and not too well equiped (at least the ones I visited). They are mainly rented out by wealthy parisians who have a large appartment in the same builduing and rent out their chambre de bonne in a way to invest.
You only have to go to or any website to find out that a shared appatment rents for 500 euros a room, somtimes if lucky 470. If its cheaper its that you are either in an extremly dangerous zone or that something in the appartment is clearly not working well. To continue many lanloards will ask for a granty of you parents or somebody, photocopies of all kinds and proof that you will stay for a long time.
Due to the undersupply of appartments you find yourself going to visit places and being literally interviewied by people- what do you like to cook, what are your habits, what do you do in life, where do you work, how long will you stay. I was even told if I cook using fire or microwave and if I shower more than once a day. Every single one of my interviews finished with ´thank you, we have 10 more visits today and 10 tommorrow´ we will call you if you are selected. It even happened once that I was told " see this girl over here? she came 5 minutes before you and she took the room". As you go back to your hostel you realize that the task aint easy. The demand is so high and the supply is so low that future teanants have no bargaining power, if you ask for anything you are not going to be selected, the landloard is able to choose any other tenant. It is for this reason that many appartments and chambre de bonnes are sometimes in a decading state, and the search for appatments becomes a big neightmare for people who rumbles the streets with their ´dossiers´hoping that the day when they will be chossen will soon arrive.
In Paris there is an undersupply of appartments, in addittion many landloards are afraid that tenants will not pay up so they ask you to proof that your salary is at least three times that of the appartment. Many people end up moving to a chambre de bonne, which used to be the old maid rooms. These ones have a separate entrance in the builduing and are genearally cold and not too well equiped (at least the ones I visited). They are mainly rented out by wealthy parisians who have a large appartment in the same builduing and rent out their chambre de bonne in a way to invest.

Due to the undersupply of appartments you find yourself going to visit places and being literally interviewied by people- what do you like to cook, what are your habits, what do you do in life, where do you work, how long will you stay. I was even told if I cook using fire or microwave and if I shower more than once a day. Every single one of my interviews finished with ´thank you, we have 10 more visits today and 10 tommorrow´ we will call you if you are selected. It even happened once that I was told " see this girl over here? she came 5 minutes before you and she took the room". As you go back to your hostel you realize that the task aint easy. The demand is so high and the supply is so low that future teanants have no bargaining power, if you ask for anything you are not going to be selected, the landloard is able to choose any other tenant. It is for this reason that many appartments and chambre de bonnes are sometimes in a decading state, and the search for appatments becomes a big neightmare for people who rumbles the streets with their ´dossiers´hoping that the day when they will be chossen will soon arrive.
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