I needed to get something warm as my throught is starting to get irritated and i think I will soon get a bad cold. Buyin my coffee gave enough time for the SNCF to post the number of the track from where our train would be departing: Track 5 it was. Amazingly every person who had dark skin and had a train ticket was being checked by the police. Ont he other hand I was able to get on the train without showing my ID or ticket. Later the police got on the train to check once again the people with a dark skin. This kind of filtration of people just irritated me. As it did the beating up of sales people in India or the ID checking of south american looking people in St. Cugat this scene made me feel unconfortable and found it rather unfair. Who said I wasnt an immigrant myself??
In the wagon there is a group of 3 Australians. Highly identifiable by their accent. Although 4 rows ahead of me their loud voices and excitment of their trip grabed my attention during the first 20 minutes before the departure of the train. Soon after another couple also of middle age got on the train.
- Are you Australian????
- Yeahhh (with a typical southern Aussie Accent) You???
- New Zeland
- Oh UHhh Ohhh Uhhh
And with the social skills of the people of these two nations the group of 3 and the couple quickly engaged into a conversation in which they discussed their European trips ´´sight´´.
Nobody else has catched my atteention in hte rest of the 12 rows of this nicely decorated and confortable TGV wagon. Silence prevails and everybody seems to be engaging in one of the follwoing three activities. 1 Reading 2 Sleeping 3 staring out of the window. In the past 1.30hours of train ride I have attempted the three activities myself. Sleeping has clearly not worked, staring out the window is useless due to the gog and in my TGV magazine I have found only one intresting article- Disposable Mobile phones- A new product created by BIC at a price of 50 euros.... to be thought, how disposable is it something that costs 50 euros?? The marketers of the product claim its not meant to be disposable, however the title of the article underlines the disposability of the product.I wonder how consumers will see this product....
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