"When China was chosen to host the Olympic Games, the authorities of the country promised to improve the situation of human rights. Now that the time of the olympic flame is getting closer, serious worries still exist" Iren Khan, General Secretary of Amnesty International.

Downtown Paris a campaign was taking place today by Amnesty International to sak for human rights in China. I listend for 30 minutes to a speaker who was explaining her story and how she was tortured for being a practician of Falun Gong. Falun Gong is a traditional chinese meditiation method, which helps to harmonise the spirit and the body.Falun Gong practicians are tortured to get their organs and sell them. From a lung costing 150,000 Euros to the pancreas for 45,000 Euros. Falun Gong practicians are victims of the chinese communist party as the number of practicias is larger than the number of members who support the communist chinese party (according to a survey of the chinese goverment in 98). In addittion the chinese goverment applies a policy of unique thought, which goes against that of Falun Gong- Truth-Bonté-Tolerance. In 1999 Jian Zemin launched a plan to eradicate the Falun Gong practician in 3 months. Due to the failure of the plan in 2002 there was a new order to kill the practicians. There are at least 36 secret extermination camps used for the trafic of organs. More than 500 000 people are being tortured and deported to "forced work camps".
The woman talked how she was taken three times, how they put liquids into her, threw freezing water on her. All her friends and family where also blamed for her acts, thus her husband was told that he would never get a promotion at work as a consequence of her actions -practicing Falun Gong- His work collegues told him it would be better to get rid of her. She went to a place where they brain washed her, and she survived as she told them her name and she was forced to help "the policemen" torture other practicians. Finally her husband was able to "get rid" of her by somehow (didnt fully understand it) sending her to France. It was the exchange, she was going to leave him alone he was sending her to France.
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