Today I have painted the eye of my Daruma. Daruma are japanese dolls, which serve as a sign of determination. In fact you make a wish and you fill the right eye of the doll. Once the wish is accomplished you fill in the left eye of the doll. You can buy them in various sizes although they tend to be red, but ive seen white ones too. Technically you buy them in a temple and then you can bring it to be burned in the temple once your wish has been fullfilled. Mine is from Kyoto, bought it last summer. So, I guess now that not only my wish must be fullfilled but I will also have to go back to Japan. Hoping that within a while I can fill the other eye of my precious Kyoto Daruma.
2 comentaris:
I quan pintaras l'altre ull????
L'anonim soc jo, Marina
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