07 de desembre 2007

Last post 2nd of December! Its been a small while! So to compensate and because yesturday was St.Nicholas I hve decided I will recommend you a link for every day that I havent been here.

First of all the coolest one. Probably some of you already knew it, but I had no clue this existed. Today's Recommendation 1 www.igoogle.com Basically you can costumize your google page. Put as many gadgets as you want, put a theme that changes with the wether of the country/place you are at. So here is how mine is looking up to now.
For the days that you are in need to escape, to take a backpack and Get Lost you can watch the video's that lonley planet TV offers. So today's recommenation 2 http://www.lonelyplanet.tv/Clip.aspx?key=7F517EB535E42270 there are 7 different parts. Two backpackers found they had a video function in their camera and did a short home made movie of their travels through Asia, see Laos,Cambodia,India through 7 short videoclips.

Are you Zap or are you Zen? Let me introduce you to the IdTGV. We had a presentation from them the other day in class. Its a TGV which takes you from Paris to the south of france, and in april they are opening their new line to Lyon. About 1 of these trains operate per day,sometimes even two. You got two ambiances teh Zen which is a 100%silence or the Zap where you can rent dvds, play music, discuss and it has an entire differente ambiance. So travel get to know ppl and form part of the online communitiy with ID TGV's which is today's recommenation 3 http://www.idtgv.com/165i.html

And if you want to keep traveling and discuss travel questions then why not just go to the lonley planet thorntree and ask anybody your questions. Or answer those that you need. I love this place...its a great area to get comments by experts on your area of travel. So today's recommendation 4 is http://www.lonelyplanet.com/thorntree/index.jspa

And one of my discoveries of this week will be today'srecommendation 5 http://www.slideshare.net/ I still havent explored it too much but this is meant to be the world's largest community for sharing presentations on the web, and as they like to reiterate it's free!!

So tommorrow Im heading to Paris to do some iceskating,cultural visit and have some good fun :D And then dive again into work work and preparation of my two coming up interviews! With the night arriving, people leaving the campus and me having just recieved a nice phone call I now leave you to explore the world wide web .... Have a good weekend!Bon Weekend!Bon cap de setmana!Buen Fin de Semana!