The parking infront of the builduing has started to get packed.More lights are turned on in the builduing infront of mine, and I'm sure the cafeteria will be packed today. Its sunday and tommorrow a new week begins. Musicovery.com has spend the day with me, together with my slides of "promotion de ventes" and an online french-english dictionary. What would I do without my phone to make free calls from room to room, I dont know. A relaxed weekend. Small escape to the big city behind the forest- Paris....
Arrive to go see the Catacombes, closed for reparation till February. Try and take the metro, not working. Lots of walking, but a nice relaxed walk around the Jardins du Luxembourg, Marche aux Puces, lunch at monmatre (not to break the tradition...) and exhaustion. My 2.97 euro forfait dinner at RU...Why is the chicken and the fish so dry? Getting all the week leftovers? Buff...Looking forwards to monday where I hope the food will be a bit more fresh, or not. Daydreaming again about Bhutan,Nepal my job as a releif logistics agent and an around the world photographer. 

Whats next, I dont know? Right now enjoying the day, cuz afterall this is an amazingly relaxed placed to be in for 5 months, surrounded by lots of students, intresting courses (sometimes ;-) ) and no real worries. Who wants to face having to write a thesis?Findin a real job and not having wendsday afternoons off?Not me.
Today's Recommendation http://www.freerice.com/ Quiz yourself in english vocabulary (all levels)! For every word you get right, WFP will give 10 grains of rice. Help save the 25,000 people that die every day due to hunger. Pass the word on.
2 comentaris:
eis jo tambe vull anar a bhutan! estava pensantho laltra dia i vaig mirar unes websites on basicament diu que u are not alowed to do INDEPENDENT TRAVEL.....fuckers
oh and i loooove musicovery!!
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