Hier nous sommes allees a Paris...and now im changing to english before more people complain about the language of this blog. Yesturday i woke up at 8.30. Wow, a sunday at 8.30! By 9 i was having breakfast in the cafeteria with Carlos,Sonia,Alexandra,Marta,Marta,Miquel etc...so we were meant to leave by 10 but that just didnt happened. Finally we arrived at the Jouy en Josas train station and waited for an eternity ( note to self for the third time : MUST LOOK AT SCHEDULES BEFORE LEAVING!) In Versailles (only 2 stops further) we had to change trains, got the right train...by then Minda who had left uni 30 minutes after us had already catched up with us. Everyone went to see the tour eiffel etc...but Alexandra and I headed to Monmatre, a beautiful neighborhood where you find the Sacre Coeur and the Moulin Rouge et tout ça... We did a lot of walking up up hill, up steps up streets. They were really beautiful with traditional shops. The worst of all, the tourist crowd. Yeah, I was one of them ...and walking with a map and my new nikon baby i couldnt seem more like a tourist...but it was a great day. In a way the tourist crowd made me feel like i was in the middle of Staromeska .... However the cute architechture, small alleys, narrow streets, specialized shops, and cafes made the neibourhood beautiful. The sun was once again shining so that added to the day... The way back to the uni involved another odissy, but we made it right on time for the cafeteria food opening times (7-8) you surely dont want to miss ur slot...And in the evening being quite dead,relaxing movie night in the room and then time to sleep...classes today started at 8..buah!

Plese note that a night at MoulinRouge with Show and Dinner costs 175 euros...there are a couple of cheaper shows but nothing gets cheap. Also, I found the location of moulin rouge not to be attractive. I thought it was going to be in a small alley but it was in one big boulevard...and it didnt look as "traditional" as I was expecting it to be...
I still have to learn how to use my Nikon in manual mode...i know how to do it, but i dont know exactly what should be the right apperture&shutter speed to put for every type of picture, thus if I go doing tries everytime i take a picture it takes too long. For now just working with "automatic" making some pictures not that great.
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