We wake up late. 9am and get some breakfast. The four of us are here so we start making plans for the day as daidac goes and gets more dumplings. Priority one is to buy tickets tto go to the tahi border with laos. Remembering yhow hard it was to get a ticfket in delhi I start to think of the long and painfull day ahead of us. We grab a tuck tuck which after 2 streets stops and makes us jump off. Tsk… he sais he wants more money. Idiot! We get another taxi. The station is quite and very clean, we get a bunch of ppl coming towards us. They are all official station helpers . in 5m inutes we obtain the tickets!! Wow! In 8 hours we will be leaving to the lao border. We go see the golden budha and on our way there we get lost in china town. Alter we take the metro to the center. The metro has AC , lovely! The humidity in Bangkok is really killing us. We walk,walk and walk and pass a bunch of street shops and markets selling full copyies of t shirts, pants coatsw bags etc…we visit the famous four face budha but before we go to sit in some couches in an empty super luxurious shoping mall.a fter some relaxing we search for some restaurant. We end up eating at some award wining restaurant for 6 dollars. Nobody orders drink but me which comes in handy when I chew and swallow a spciiyy red peper…yuck!!
We then look for some food for the 12 hours train ride that awaits us. We take a train and head to the unglourious victory monument. Moonsoon rain hits and odesnt want to stop. The only option out is to go by taxi back to the hotel. Anna and I go and get a 1 hour tahi massage for 6 dollars. Wse wait 1 hour more at the hotol and finally get our lguggage and take a taxi to the station . traffic is condence and we ares tufck in a trffic jam for long time. We get to the sation 30 minutes before the train is meant to leave but the train doesn’t show up. We wait wait wait we realize we left our water bottle sin the taxi..the criver has made us leav e running not to get a fine..so we go buy more water. Finally with 1.30hours delay the train arrives and we leave Bangkok. We get 4 policeman that come and check our tickets. They look very scary and strict they even got guns…the guy from the train isn’t happy that we aren’t buying his dinner nor American breakfast for the next morning. After few mind gaes we go to bed…we arealize that after1.5 hours in the train we arer still in one of the multiple train station in Bangkok…time for bed.
We then look for some food for the 12 hours train ride that awaits us. We take a train and head to the unglourious victory monument. Moonsoon rain hits and odesnt want to stop. The only option out is to go by taxi back to the hotel. Anna and I go and get a 1 hour tahi massage for 6 dollars. Wse wait 1 hour more at the hotol and finally get our lguggage and take a taxi to the station . traffic is condence and we ares tufck in a trffic jam for long time. We get to the sation 30 minutes before the train is meant to leave but the train doesn’t show up. We wait wait wait we realize we left our water bottle sin the taxi..the criver has made us leav e running not to get a fine..so we go buy more water. Finally with 1.30hours delay the train arrives and we leave Bangkok. We get 4 policeman that come and check our tickets. They look very scary and strict they even got guns…the guy from the train isn’t happy that we aren’t buying his dinner nor American breakfast for the next morning. After few mind gaes we go to bed…we arealize that after1.5 hours in the train we arer still in one of the multiple train station in Bangkok…time for bed.
1 comentari:
hey you know they have tuck tucks here now as well. they are all over central station and pretty cheap. good alterntive for taxis. only cost like 3 euros per zone.
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