Make Poverty History has started a campaign called "Face Up" right by my house in which they take pictures of persons with any message they want to write in a board and then put them up in an enormous panel. The pictures are small and the panel quite big, they give you binoculars so that you can find your picture. I took a picture today so I will go tomorrow and try and find myself, which probably will be impossible due to the size of the pictures. The initiative was developed to remind the Australian government that it’s time for them to react to the many promises they made of giving aid and cancelling the debt of poor countries. So many promises were made when the millennium goals ,which must be attained by 2015, were developed. So many promises, so many utopic goals, that will lead leaders and countries to focus, but which will not be achieved. Definately not by 2015. In many regions of the world the number of people that live on a dollar a day has decreased, however in sub-saharan asia and in Central Asia it appears to have increased in the period from 1993-2002. How are we meant to eradicate extreme hunger and poverty by 2015?
There are loads of literature regarding policies to take to reduce poverty. There are many agencies trying to help. Sometimes there appears to be a lack of coordination and too much focus in certain areas...We can not all go to a country and help. Not only because we must follow our daily lives and survive in our own chaos and societies,but because there is no point in all heading to a country to help " in the field". But all of us can take 1 minute to sign a petition, raise awarness, sign a check or reasearch and support different entities. I think its quite hard sometimes to think that that will help, but I do believe that every small action can help. And also, I dont believe that pepole should do this to check a point in a list of things to do such as "good dead of the year" or the well known "corporate responsability" but that they should be convinved that what they do is the right thing.For me it’s hard to understand how many of us can keep living everyday and leading our normal lives when in A LOT of parts of the world people are starving due to poverty and attempting to survive.You just need to see the following map to see in how many countries (data from 2006 some coutnries missing) people are trying to survive on less than 1 dollar a day. Afterall we are all sharing the planet. Quite shamefull and embarrasing for those that never helped. You dont have to have money with you, you can just help the money get from one place to the other.

Due to poverty 30,000 kids die every day.... so basically I am saying that about 85 jumbo jets crash everyday full of kids. Many of us revolutionize ourselves when the media says a small jet plane with 15 people crashed, but we have started to assume poverty is normal and when each day 85 of those planes crash we don’t seem to do much. It’s generally due to the media that we are forced into watching and focusing in the death, burials and remembrance of a few individuals in this planet...but what happens to the rest?
No worries, nobody will change the world on their own....but I do think in the cliche that some lives can be changed if YOU help.
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