20 de juny 2007

Yes! After a couple days in Sydney I have already made a bunch of friends, let me introduce you to my neighbours and now currently my new friends!!! They are called, The parrots (lots of them,and all very nice, clean,friendly) the Ibis and the ducks. In addittion let me introduce you to their home and the views they have from their home, really tranquil and beautiful (look at above picture). I have to admit that communication with them has been a hard task. I would say that it has been more a one way communication,but maybe its cuz I was unable to understand them when they tried to communicate themselves with me. Im happy I no longer talk to fridges nor toshibas. I missed so much my toshiba pal that i have moved to a new kind of friends. So here they are the parrots, the ibis and the ducks (they asked me not to publish their pic, sorry! --> only part of the conversation i had with them that I could understand). I tried becoming friends with the bats. There are loads of them by the park nex to my house, but they told me they wanted to sleep :(
This picture just DOES not want to rotate itself...so sorry you will have to rotate your head to meet Parrot Jonas!

this is my friend the red beak...
This is parrot xolu eating... (lunch was delicious!)

And parrot ali having some water...also picture wount rotate itself!! :(

Anyways the park is full of parrots,ducks,ibis (picture too blurry, they were running a lot),birds,and seriously BATS! :( freaky ill make sure i close the windows of home ...dont need to find bats at night at home.

1 comentari:

shuggams ha dit...

i bet they are not as cool as the parrot with necklace we met on our very first and only morning run