07 de juny 2007

...towards the evening....

Yeah, the reason that I am writing in my blog is cuz im quite bored and internet is FREE! Ive been out the entire day and im too tiered to keep walking. After my morning/afternoon tour I have gone out to explore China Town, which is massive. I believe its the biggest one in the states. I did a 3 tshirt for 10 dollar aquistion. No matternity cloths though, just some SF tshirts which werent even that nice, they are huge but they will work for Cambodia and Laos and will also be okay as pjs so Im happy :) Its so far been quite fun to write in my blog. Im astonished that i have written so much! But now you and I have track of what i have done :D (even though i forget a bunch of things).Once in Sydney Ill put a few pictures in the entries so you see a bit of the places.

Now I am here,infront of the computer, as always. Its a dell, i wish it was my pal toshiba, but this dell seems to function quite well ....probably will end up reading on of my new aquiscitions. But I am first taking my time to check facebook,sxc,gmail,sinonline,blackboard,bbc and everythign possible in the planet!! Its nice to be able to check those without hurry and for free. But a que might form quickly and then ill have to leave you all :(

...que is forming
...another person in que
.... G is leaving Computer...

1 comentari:

JennyL84 ha dit...

pff is internet free everywhere in the states? or just in ur hostel???

i dont know if its the biggest china town in the US but its the most known one. at least that was what my tourguide said (in her crapy english, or my crapy mandering :P)

owow 3 tshirts for 10? thats so bad :P i bought 4 for 10 :D btw im using them as pj's as well :P
i didnt buy them in SF as i already bought 4 in hollywood :P (mom wouldnt be happy about it :P )

and why are u checking bb? sinonline? ur in ur holidays!! crazy person!

pff more posts to read