Everything in texas was great!! I stayed over at Elianas house. I hadnt seen her for 8 years, crazy. We used to be friends in middle school but she stayed in south america and then moved to the states, and i never got to go back to SA nor to the states so we hadnt had a chance to meet. Amazingly it didnt even feel like i hadnt seen her for that long!0 SHe came to pick me up at the airport and then we drove about 1 hour until her house. Amazing but she is the only person with who i have not panicked once when driving with her...I already told her how happy she should be.Not only once did i tell her to be carefull about another car or about a train track or about her speed! LOL!! After meeting her grandparents and brothers (who now were 8 years older and were HUGE!) we headed out for the Mall..where i left all my money (NOT!). I think all we did was eat eat and eat...Its called the consumption era! We bought a super big pretzel (delicious!), then some fudge (delicious!) we then bought a El nino apple , which is an apple with caramel and choclate (delicious!) oh and before we had had breakfast at Ihop (delicious!) yeah it was all delicious. She wanted me to try all the food before I left texas, and obviously I couldnt say No. If jeans dont fit me at the end of the trip you all will know the reason why. (note: i had a salad today (this is specially written for my mom who might be reading this and already wasnt happy after seeing my previous videos!). After the mall we returned home for some delicious dinner (ribs!!). All in all to find out her grandmother had worked in the UN and spend 1 hour talking to her about the UN and work and travel and ...her grandmother just left me astonished!!So much knowledge! respect! :) It was so nice to be in a family enviorment. Plus the house was so typical american that it reminded me of my house in Mala Sarka in Prague (yeah! i used to live in an american compound). We were meant to go bowling but i literally felt asleep :S The next morning we went to see the street where JFK was killed, and the six floor museum. The museum narrates the entire shooting, the history etc. Its a well recomended museum everything is very well explained and documented! You get to go to the place from where Oswald shoted JFK!! After that I headed for my XL McDonalds Challenge, which I addmit was not able to complete (i didnt finsih my XL Coke..). And later we went up the tower to see the view of Dallas.
Being in Texas really brought me to the real american cities were there is not much public transportation. You bearly saw any people walking,and everything was done by car. That includes going to wallmart (through which i made a small tour!), going to postoffice,going to pharmacy,blockbuster...ANYTHING! Of course you must also take the car to go to the gym, how ironic..
The cars were also huge.Eliana had what i would consider a family car in Spain and yet she claimed, and it was true her car was small.Dallas didnt look like the best city to live in. I mean the neighbourhood areas were great, lovely grasses and houses. Even though the houses were made of wood (who the hell comes up with such ideas!) Specially in area with tornado risks!!I also went to barnes and nobles where i made my third aquisition this week. This is dangerous,because im making too many book aquistion. But what can I say one is tempted by seeing alll books on alll possible topics alll in english!! :):) This one is about airbus vs.boeing and sounds quite intresting. At least i have finished one of my 3 books so i have a reason to buy more :)
...Thats all folks!
1 comentari:
you have been in states less than 3 week? around that time and i can already notice the change in your vocab, noticebly "respect"!
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