The major reason why I have been absent from my almost daily blog entries lately is because I made a discovery when I arrived in Sydney. I realized that at home I had a tripod. That was no use to me as I knew my camera didnt have a place for a tripod. By looking at some pictures online I quickly noticed that the device through which I recharge my camera is also a tripod holder. Therefore I could finally use a tripod camera and take pictures at night without them being blurry :D I still wonder how i never had noticed that! Super excited about the idea I headed to the opera house to take pictures by night. The next morning I headed as well to take pictures of the sun rise but I broke the tripod cuz i forced it :( Im such a loser... Luckily I found out that the broken tripod was a "made in china"and that at home we have a more professional one! So now im using the "more professional one"...but i have to admit its cold at night and Im a bit lazy to go for a walks.. So i havent been taking too many pictures. This is the first picture I took.. i was so excited about it :) --> I sound like a little kid.
And one of the multiple pictures I took early in the morning...

After that, we heded to the pacific drive south until the Lake Illawara. The drive was beautiful, it went first through a national park which had a lot of bushes and trees. Amazingly in between the park you could as well see some kind of palm trees, I found that to be rather strange. They have made a small "bridge" that goes right by the sea and the views were quite spectacular specially from certain "view points" which were made specially so you could get off the car and look out. Unfortunately, because its winter it gets dark really early so by 5 pm we returned home. However, before returning home we headed to a chocolate place which was delicious...we went to "Max Brener Chocolate By the Bald Man" ... they gave us a little milk pot which was geting warmed up by a small candle under it. Thenyou had small pieces of chocolate you were meant to put in the milk stir and it would melt... DELICIOUS! The entire shop was based on chocolate stuff..they were also selling some strawberries with chocolate they looked UBER LEKKER! This trip led me to take a bunch of pictures which I spend the past couple days editing and updating on SXC. Unfortunately, some where not the opera house is considered "copyrighted" grr!
And I started my new job, which seemed quite nice. The office is large and the people seem young and friendly (well except the bosses:P --> age wise). The work will tire me since i havent done 8 hours of work for the past month. However, Im happy I finally have something to get me distracted.... But today Im already tiered from my 8 hours of work. Im hoping that ill start geting used to the 9/5 schedule...Luckily I live 7min from work, so I can wake up later and no longer have to travel too far :D
And for all those who believe that catalan is nothing more than a dialect spoken by a small minority. Catalan is the language number 88 out of the 100 most spoken languages in the World. There are a little more than 9,1 million people who speak my language (over the age of 15).
3 comentaris:
number 88? :P
ow wait i dont get it. are the bosses not young or not friendly? or both ?:D
STOp talking about all that chocolate. you live near the lindt heaven!! oh i also had that once the block of chocolate and you tir it in milk to make hot chocoalte.... yummy
so u have another unique visitor :P
u'll need an iplocator:
copy paste ur ip's and it shows u info about the ip
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