Once again when I arrived at the airport of Chicago i got tested for everything, even drugs! Buah...Shoes, backpack everything was checked!Once again, i dont remember the flight. Mysteriously I woke up when they asked for dirnks, drank my orange juice and then back to sleep. When I arrived in D.C. i went to the hostel where I was able to check in. The heat was horrible and I took a quick shower. I met a south korean girl who had just checked in too, so we both headed towards Arlington Cementary. All the "heroes" of war are burried there together wit JFK. I then headed to georgetown on my own. The place has a lot of very little and normal shops and also a big mall. I had to walk quite a bit from the metro station. The heat was hurrendous and I started to burn myself. Cuz I continue on my jean "mood" my legs are whiter than an A4 paper. but my shoulders were red and I got burned due to the strong D.C. sun! I had to go to a pharmacy to get some cream and I also bought some flipfloops as my previous one (bought for 0.99cents last year in blokker in middleburg) ended their journey in Chicago. I found some sunglasses for 5 bugs,and had to acquire them as wella s my eyes were hurting. Im now in a complete fashion with my new italian style glasses.In addition I have got blisters in my toes and tring to walk has become quite an adventure. DC is nota city that I really like. Everybody (except one girl) in the hostel thinks its a strange city. Maybe I should head to the outskirts but the center (which is huge) is all governemental builduings. Capitol,white house...and its so hard to find shops,restaurants and a bit of life..specially in the weekend!! The metro stations are grey and of pure cement. VERY UGLY. However, the monuments are nice. Chicago was very cheap for transportation. One way was 2 dollars (which is a lot) but you could get 2 day ticket for 9 dollars!!! Yet, here in D.C. a ticket is at least 1.35 buff... and 1 day ticket is already 7 dollars!!On my second day I went to visit the capitol. They gave me free tickets (all museums are free in D.C.!!) They give free tickets but you must usually wait at least two hours until you can go in. They are in a first come first serve basis,so sometimes by 9am the tickets for the entire day are gone. Thats why i didnt make it into many places. So in those two hours i went walking to the washington monument. Very typical landmark of D.C. But the heat hit me too hard and I had to take some waterbottles from a race they were doing right there for prevention of breast cancer. If i wouldnt have had those water bottles ...buah id die! After the capitol i headed for lunch,and then to starbucks since I couldnt walk anylonger on the heat. Im gona quit starbucks since Itisa lmost as expensive as lunch. What pissedme off is that I couldnt take my spray sunscream in the capitol, so I had to thwo it out!! I had bought it yestuday so after the tour I went back to the trash and took my cream back :)The last day I went to the holocust memorial musuem which was HUGE! It was nice, and free and I had to wait again to get in. However, I have been overflowded with holocust info since i am in highschool. Visiting Teresin,Auschwitz and others...and having a highschool teacher that was extremly into the holocust ...thus this museum I looked,but in 1 hour I was out of it. (it was meant to take 2 hours...) The degree of obesity in theis country is strting to strike me. Yesturdy I was in the lift with a woman who was breathing in and out. I thought she was gona die! Im not close to fit, and I feel so in shape here, its disgusting! Every third person is obesse and they still sit and have a super large double chocolate starbucks coffe with cream, and an XL mcdonalds meal. Honestly, DISGUSTING! As I was in starbucks, I ordered a small size and they gave me something that in Europe would be considered medium. it was ubersweet and couldnt really finish it.Ive been eating shit for the past 4 days and I will start with salads, cuz im already feeling bad about it!
The hostels have goten worse as I go,but they are still okay. IM still on budget but trying not to spend too much (note to self : must quit starbucks!). The police in this country seem very "powerfull" and arrogant in comparison with the dutch or spanish police. They have extrem serious expressions. They are build up and they are stianing in an uber powerfull position. They freak me out! Although they are only doing their job.
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