I did go to Hawaii, but I never updated my blog from there cuz the internet was no longer for FREE :( i know im so dutch... My arrival in Hawaii went better than I thought. I met a girl in washington who told me she had just arrived from Hawaii and she had not liked the hostel at all. I was so worried about the hostel and yet when I arrived it exceeded my expectations. As I was about to walk out of the room a girl came in and said she had just checked in so we hanged around for the day. She was from Sydney :) We went to waikiki to swim in the sea and as I put my towel down,put the sunscrean on and head to the water it starts raining! Grrr!+1054.JPG)
The calendar was GREAT.... i just didnt buy it. I bought almost no souvenirs but took pics of quite a few!I go to the dessert in India last summer and it rains, i go to the beach in Hawaii and it rains...I arrive in Sydney and its raining! Grrrrr!! I need to get rid of the dutch weather! Anyways luckily it stoped after a while. We headed to reserve a snorkling tour for the next day to a bay and they ended up selling us a package to go to a Luau. We went to the Luau that same evening. Mainly we saw the typical polinesian, hawaiian dances. Yeah sure it was nice but it was so touristy I got fed up. I took my 3 free alcoholic drinks, i enjoyed my buffet dinner and I turned my back to the dancers and went a bit further to take pictures of the sunset. Once it was pitch dark i figured it would be nice to see the dancer for a while. The next day we went snorkling in a bay which is preserved so its full of fishes. It was nice, but the van arrive 20 minutes late to pick us up. Later when we arrived in the bay we had to see a video on the species that there are and on the dangers of the sea...grr i was geting irritated. It was a nice bay but full of people. The sealife was amazing but the coral was really high and i thought i was gona get scratched while swiming ontop of the rocks :S niet mooi :S In addittion it was still cloudy and partly raining....+956.JPG)
Hawaii was the paradise for Japanese tourist. It was PACKED with japanese people, half of the shops were in Japanese, half of the signs where in Japanese. The only thing that made me think that the island could belong to USA was that in McDonalds you could get a double bigmac. Which I did not go for...Oh in McDonalds with your menu you got a tray of fresh pineapple! LEKKER!! The island was made for families with kids and also for people that were geting married. It was full of limos and of nice hotels... I stayed at the hostel (ik ben niet een loser...maar ik heb geen geld..) Maar mijn hostel was bijn het strand!heel mooi.+928.JPG)
BTW, these dutch sentences are intended for jingaling since i think she needs to have a laugh (at my dutch level) these days due to her stress with thesis. I am not willing to write all the blog in dutch or that will cost me too much time.. :)
The next day I was a bit fed up of waikiki the tourists, the kids and the families. Specially cuz my fiancee charles hull had stayed in holland (LOL!) so I went up to the north shore of the island. Everybody had told me north shore was fab and indeed it was. It did take me two hours to get there by public transport but it was beautiful! Almost no turists, amazing transparent blue water. As i was swiming in the water i suddenly encountered a rock. I hate rocks so i started swiming away from it, all to realize that the rock was still by me! HOW WAS THAT POSSIBLE! and suddenly the people said TURTLE! it was a gigantic sea turtle!!!! wicked!
The next day i signed up for a tour and we took a boat to sea wild dolphins. It was so nice, we saw the dolphins,there were many of them and they were jumping in the air etc. Later on we went snorkling and saw some gigantic tourtles again. Although the tour was awesome I didnt like the fact that we were partly rushed through it. I really liked it in Brazil when I was small we would do these tours were we would sail,snorkel eat etc..but all in brazilian relaxed time. In Hawaii we were doing it all in 3 hours and you couldnt enjoy it as much... :( But it was great.
I was on a waiting list to leave on the 17th and finally made it to the plane! So i didnt have to stay till the 20th. If I would of have had the 3 extra days I would of have headed to Pearl Harbour and also to the north shore again cuz that was the place to be for tranquility and beauty. However Im happy im home because Im not someone who can deal too much with beach. Although I love snorkling i cant lay in the beach for 8 days in a row! Also to be honest Hawaii wasnt the cheapest place ever.
And if you ever encounter a CheesecakeFactory or a Cheesburger in Paradise, I suggest you go in, they are great!!!!
2 comentaris:
whaahah well thnx gisela, i had to laugh a lot :D ur dutch is definitely improving, and so is ur dutchness :P u arent only taking dutch weather with u but it (economic) behaviour as well :D
btw what dutch weather? Its sunny the whole week! 25 degrees! no rain :P
hmm so ur in sydney now? well, im going to read ur other post. btw nice pics :)
Ohhhh i love your glasses!!! sweet
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