As a country tries to go forward to reduce the number of deaths in the road, to try and implement a new driving license by "points", to try to rais conciousness of the importance of not mixing driving and drinking there is still one person who comes up with criticism ....very UNconstructive criticism.
Let me introduce you to mr.X who on may 4th was awarded the honorific medal from the Wine Academy in Castella y Leon (Spain). As he recieved his price he decided to make some remarks about how wine and driving are related.
His speach included the following statements:
After seeing the new advertisments which note that one should not drink and drive he states " Let me drink!" and ironically he joked about the new ads.
He also comments "I dont like to be told that I can not go at a higher velocity than that stated in the rules, that you can not eat hamburgers, you must prevent this and that and in addition I forbid you to drink wine"
" The number of wine glasses that I must or must not drink, let me drink them on my own and with peace. I am not puting anybodys life in stake, im not hurting anybody".
He has decided to name the traffic regulations agains drinking and driving as the "law agaist the wine" (Note:In Spain, it is still allowed to drink a cup of wine or a beer if you want to drive).
"Wine is a drink that all spaniards should be proud of"
Let me introduce you to the great man who made all these comments. His name is Jose Maria Aznar, and yes, he WAS the Spanish President (1996-2004). Simply unbelivable. Criticizing the opposition is okay. However, making such pathetic statements on the hard work of some that try and improve a system to make the roads saver for all of us is simply Disrespectfull, Pathetic, and Embarassing... And worse, to think that he was representing us for 8 years is outraging.
In case you havent met him yet: Here is his profile picture. P.S. His wife name is Ana Botella, let me translate (Ana Bottle), Dont forget to check out his little moustache, isnt he..... (you fill in the blank).

2 comentaris:
He looks like a chimp
hmm maybe that is why he loves his wife? :P
hmm but wasnt he a good president if he served for so many years? why else would ppl vote for him? maybe all the drunk ppl constantly vote for him. that would make sense since:
1. there are a lot of them (enough to win the elections?
2. they are too drunk to make sound decisions
3. they all just love his wife
4. they pushed the wrong button (seeing dubble when ur drunk?)
hmm one thing that is sure: it isnt due to his looks! ieeeuw
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