So the summer itinerary is complete!!! Im really excited as the journey approches, except for the fact that I will be traveling alone. You can have a look at My more exact itinerary, but in the bottom i attach an overall picture, created by MyMaps of Google :) In total it will be 4 days in Toronto and almost 3 weeks in the states, mainly jumping around cities for very short times. Chicago,Washington,Dallas (not intending to meet with Bush,but might arrange a meeting with him..) San Franscico (and hoping around California) and Hawaii. Then towards Sydney (where I will be working) to spend some time with my parents, a visit to friends in Melbourne and a visit to Auckland and northern Australia. Then arrival in Bangkok to spend one month backpacking in Laos&Cambodia, and before spending 1 week with my parents at my old home Tokyo (super freaking excited about that!!!) ill spend 3 days in Singapore.
Then, back via London to Amsterdam and take all my things and go to Paris to start a new life and hmm try and get some rest :)

Well, I will be meeting a few of you in most of the locations. If by any chance you are traveling as well, do let me know, meeting up is always good. Im gona see a bunch of you this summer, which is very exciting :D But suprises are always welcomed! Im leaving the transiberia train for next year :) but yeah, its still in my list :)
For now, thats all folks!
1 comentari:
wwwwwwwwwwwwwauu!!! quines vacances!
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