31 d’octubre 2006

To the few who made the day......
Under the dutch rain...a good day!
Mindru, el teu fotolog ha estat bonissim! Quines cares i quines ganes de marxar que teniem el dia 2 d Agost, poc ens pensavem el que ens pasaria el dia 3 d agost, pero mira ara no nomes tenim aqui una foto de nosaltres, sino tambe dels nostres companys. Quina pena que la Maria i el Matthew no hi surtin! En fi... 2 d agost del 2006 ! :) ens veiem aviat!!! Tu ja saps on trovarme M E S S E N G E R ! o EMAIL.
30 d’octubre 2006
"Porque é que uma pessoa de mau-humor influência mais depressa e facilmente uma pessoa de bom-humor? Porque é que não é ao contrário?"
Why why why is the question. I wish it could be the other way around. A person in a good mood always makes you feel at least for one split second better compared to one in a bad mood. However, I dont know to which extent our life would change and we would be infulenced by happy good mood people, afterall how many people in the world tend to be in a good mood??? But its sometimes amazing how a simple "hi","thankyou" a smile or a crossing of eyes can change your day....Specially when you just have had it with the badly mooded people, and you are the one bringing the bad mood around to others. Just a bad day....and its dark dark dark dark.
I have the feeling we will have to deal with the following word at least for the following months, and im not happy about it:
e‧go - Pronunciation[ee-goh, eg-oh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun, plural e‧gos.
the “I” or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought.
egotism; conceit; self-importance

its 6p.m. its DARK NIGHT
.... wHeN wiLL tHe SuN cOme bAcK??
In Need of: sun,grass.smiles,friends,holidays,laughs,
relax,freshair,beach, mountains,trees,
childs attitude,t-shirts,icecream,holidays,
neve ending days.... i need to spend at least
some time laying down in the grass, having a good laugh and with some sun....
One day less for spring.
29 d’octubre 2006
Proxim Juliol: Catxondisme a Australia [ Siberia Juny o Agost :P]

Avui m han fet un regal. El meu pare m ha donat un tros de fusta que podeu apreciar a la foto. Haha. Es el nou lletrero que penja al meu cuarto! Es mes que res per que em quedi clar on seran els meus pares, perquè em vagi acostumant a que ja no puc trucar a vueling si necessito anar a veure-les sinó que mes val que contacti a Singapore Airlines o a Quantas.
Fa 1 any em pensava que avui seria a Barcelona estudiant a ESADE, vaig canviar d opinió i vaig decidir fer un doble master entre Rótterdam i Paris. I ara resulta que els meus pares molt probablement vagin a Sydney. Així que qui sap com canviaran les coses. Per ara em quedo amb aquesta fusta al cuarto. Que no nomes em recorda que els meus pares viuran a la quinta hòstia del altre hemisferi, sinó que també em motiva per anar hi algun dia de visita. Encara que abans he dit que vull anar a Siberia, hi hi anire fijo. El que esta clar es que als pares els tens que veure... i a mi em sembla millor que jo els hi fagi una visita que no pas que ells m en facin una a mi XD Així que aquest estiu em sembla que agafo el nou vol de la singapore airlines des de Barcelona a Sydney.
Ara en serio, algú s hi apunta. El meu plan es anar-hi al Juliol durant 1 mes, potser mes, però m agradaria viatjar un mes, en plan barato. Això si a Sydney els meus pares ens deixen la casa :D hehehehe....qui s apunta?
Per apuntar-s’hi es necessiten els següents prerequisits
Major de 16 anys
Viure a Berga,Vilobi,St.Cugat
Saber la definició de Catxondisme
Voler anar en pla barato
Si toca dormir a Syndey esta disposat a aguantar els roncs del meu pare a la nit.
Que no li faci por pujar en avio (ja que el viatja en barco dura massa..)
Next Destination

Let me introduce you to my next destination.
It has been a while since I have thought that I wanted to cross Siberia with a train. Actually, when I was small my dad already told me once that one day I would learn so many languages that we could speak everyday a different language at home. Monday would be the french day, tuesday german, wendsay italian,thursday english,friday spanish,saturday japanese and sunday we could speak in our language, catalan. Well, just cuz i like languages, and because school just taught me some and some friends taugh me a others, this has becomed possible. Not like we ever trully do this, but I can at least speak a few languages, and soemtimes it just makes it easier if i feel like watching a french DVD, like today or going to see a foreign movie... no need to have everything translated into catalan. Yeah, i know these languages are mostly all latin languages, so if you learn one the other one is easier, but still... a language is a language. For me a language is a puzzle, i just love to bring those pieces together and to form sentences its actually fun! I hate those grammar classes, or those essay writings, but when u just go somewhere and u can speak it with the ppl, that feeling is just great. My problem, a BIG problem is that i feel extremly embarasssed to talk at the beggining... and that just stops the learning process. How to overcome it? Just keep in mind that speaking it you will learn further...
Its official...
So its official!!! Bachelor of Science in International Business Administration! Hahaha... Seemed like we took 1,000 pics and then when i got home i realized there were only about 23 out of which there was only 1 comic picture... Oh well, it was a fun day. Afterall it all was more deogranized than the typical graduations that they did at ISP or Lincoln, which made the ceremony less emotional and less important in a sense. Although it was a good ceremony. But i just liked it the way it was done....relatively quick (except for those Cum Laude individuals AHUM... :P ) Except for my parents lossing their luggage and waiting at Schipol for their promised luggage then having to deal with a traffic jam and missing half of the ceremony. But who cares it was a fun long day and a great weekend after it , and tommorrow we start with Block2 of the master...... at this precise moment, its the last thing i trully want. But hey, tommorrow at 6.45 the alarm will go off again, and once again ill have to head to uni... new groups, new courses... For some reason just waiting for the 23rd of december to head to Barcelona for 10 days......
26 d’octubre 2006
And the bachelor is over
01 d’octubre 2006
And im Back!
I have just been thinking about another of the paradoxes of the DalaiLama up in Dhramsala, it was strange cuz we only went to his teachings for 1 day, and simply for the curiosity of seeing him. Everybody was listening super attentively and taking notes on everyword he said, Ana and I rather just layed down and heard his words translated into korean and later to english. All he said was more "obvious" than anything else, but somehow i still clearly remember those words about, happiness, society etc... and all without having to take notes :D
....Dhramsala..... The place where we met our small spanish/tibetan buddhist family coming from La Casa del Tibet de Barcelona
The paradox of our Age
We have bigger houses but smaller families;
more conveniences, but less time.
We have more degrees but less sense;
more knowledge but less judgment;
more experts, but more problems;
more medicines but less healthiness.
We’ve been all the way to the moon and back,
but have trouble in crossing the street to meet our new neighbour.
We built more computers to hold more copies than ever,
But have less real communication;
We have become long on quantity,
but short on quality.
These are times of fast foods but slow digestion;
Tall mean but short characters;
Steep profits but shallow relationships.
It’s a time when there is much in the window
But nothing in the room.
H.H. Dalai Lama