....Being back in Barcelona was great, people in the streets, car jams even at 1 am, people partying, yeah some people were working as well (but luckily this summer im off work :-) ). Oh and people were finally my hight. Pfff i was geting a bit fed up of the czech and dutch giants hehehe... so just imagine it parties in this town and parties in the other town,and some more parties, delicious food and unfortunately this summer a bit of studing to be done as well. I was able to avoid summer exams for two years in a row, but this year it had to happend. So I am now back in NL with nothing more to do than study......I mean the SUN is here...this feels like a miracle! So when it comes up to ideas, I could be in the beach everyday...but I think im just gona get to my finance books pfff (im over with accounting...hurray!).
Anyway, my only question is

For the first time in my life I was looking forwards to going back to NL just for its weather. I thought it would be fresher here, I could probably be able to study better and concentrate more. And yeah sure its 5 degrees colder than in Barcelona....but whyyyyy is the sun shinning and is it so warm....definately not what I expected. Now all I want to do is go to the beach and buy a fan for my room, but I bet that if I buy a fan ill never use it again from September till next June. So Ill just study under this abnormal dutch heat for one more week and keep wishing that when I am back in september the sun is still shining ;-)
2 comentaris:
its good its good, i like the weather. Its just so unexpected...
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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