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1 dia menys...
L espera s esta fent difícil!!!!!
Però ja queda poc, molt poc, nomes 8 dies!!!! I sense vaga de pilots ni res...tenim via lliure!!! 8 diesssss..... Ladies and gentelmen welcome to Delhi, we hope that you have enjoyed your flight and hope to see you again soon in one of our flights. TINC GANES D ESCOLTAR AQUESTES PARAULES!!!! A preparar la motxilla entre festa major i festa major! X cert Anna, el dia 2 d agost m agradaria quedar amb tu, si fos possible. Ja diràs alguna cosa. :P :P :P fotos de
2 comentaris:
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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