31 de desembre 2006

....A partir d avui podreu trobar algunes de les meves fotos a ....

From today onwards you can find some of my pictures at

Sense Paraules
foto by me , praha 2003
a tots els lectors....feliç any 2007!!!

29 de desembre 2006

You know you went to an International school when...

1) You can't answer the question: "Where are you from?"
2) You speak two (or more) languages but can't spell in any of them
3) You flew before you could walk.
4) You have a passport, but no driver's license.
5) You run into someone you know at every airport
6) You have a time zone map next to your telephone.
7) Your life story uses the phrase "Then we went to..." five times (or six, or seven times...).
8) You speak with authority on the quality of airline travel.
9) National Geographic (OR THE TRAVEL CHANNEL) makes you homesick.
10) You read the international section before the comics.
11) You live at school, work in the tropics, and go home for vacation.
12) You don't know where home is.
13) You sort your friends by continent.
14) Your second major is in a foreign language you already speak.
15) You realize it really is a small world, after all.
16) You feel that multiple passports would be appropriate.
17) You watch a movie set in a'foreign country', and you know what the nationals are really saying into the camera.
18) Rain on a tile patio - or a corrugated metal roof - is one of the most wonderful sounds in the world.
19) You haggle with the checkout clerk for a lower price.
20) Your wardrobe can only handle two seasons: wet and dry.
21) Your high school memories include those days that school was cancelled due to tear gas, riots, demonstrations, or bomb threats
.23) You think VISA is a document stamped in your passport, and not a plastic card you carry in your wallet.
24) You automatically take off your shoes as soon as you get home.
25) Your dorm room/apartment/living room looks a little like a museum with all the "exotic" things you have around.
26) Half of your phone calls are unintelligible to those around you.
27) You go to Pizza Hut or Wendy's and you wonder why there's no chili sauce.
28) You know the geography of the rest of the world, but you don't know the geography of your own country.
29) You have best friends in 5 different countries.
30) It takes 24 hours to reach home in a plane
31) You can only call your parents at 8am and 8pm
32) You never really use a seatbelt
33) School trips meant going to a different country
34) Your high school football team had to play against itself
35) When you were in middle school you could walk into a bar and order a drink without being questioned
36) You got sick a lot and often had food poisoning
37) It wasent unusual to find a lizard or cockroach in your house
38) You got to go home twice a year ...thats if you're lucky
39) Home almosts felt like a dollhouse
40) You are a pro packer, or at least have done it many times
41) Living out of a suitcase, you find, has it pros
42) You bump into your old teachers all the time
43) Family photos you sent every year took months to arrive and often were in front of some exotic statue or engangered animal no one has heard of
44) Your check from your parents takes a month to reach you
45) Talking to your school office and getting signatures from your parents is a week-long event
46) You literally have real friends (not facebook friends) from different schools all over the nation on your friends list
48) Everyone had a 'staff'; maid, house cleaner, driver and babysitter
49) Most of the 1st graders have cell phones
50) You get excited when a relative sends a video tape of regular TV with commercials.. its in ENGLISH!
51) There was only one grocery store.. the commisary
52) Once you get home you miss your adopted home and visa versa
53) You are never content in one place, be it city, state or country for long. You're a mover.
54) You never had a job until you reached college
55) Blackouts are quite common, yet after a while no one seemed to notice and sometimes you would find yourself doing homework to the light of your phone or flashlight
56) Class reunions.. are not at your old school.. not even close
57) Police, imported from a different country, guard your school...carrying machine guns
58) you know everyone else in this group, because he/she went to school with one of your friends

27 de desembre 2006

Laos Cambodia and Thailand :)

So it started by me opening an msn window to daidak...
"got plans for the summer..???"
"well not exactly, work, travel you know..."
"want to travel together?"
"sounds good..."
"where to.."
...and somehow we agreeded to south east asia...

it continued with a few conversations during xmas family lunch and today its been decided, next summer we are taking a plane to Bangkok and from there we will travel to Laos and Cambodia!! So these are the plans...now just got to get the tickets, get all vaccinations,visas everything ready and south east asia here we come!!! Oh, i forgot...and keep working to save some money up!

Actaully im looking for some more info into those regions so anybody who has any information on those regions please let me know :) Especially regarding the entry to Laos as it appears that they dont have many embassies around the world and that it is very easy to get your visa in the border,but still would like to check that with someone before! Oh this will be a great summer, i can already see it coming :) Daidak, lets go buy our travel guides!

26 de desembre 2006


....another year...another family lunch...
the table was ready...
22 ppl and two babies running around
and the food was about to be served

some people missing this year...but still the word growing up doesnt seem to exist ...
We had our traditional Neules Fight between cousins....
and maybe a bit too much to drink at the end....

but a fun day afterall :)

p.s. why is it that the babies always get the most presents?????? Laura aixo definitivament no es just!

25 de desembre 2006

Foto by me Jaipur, India

A tots els que ens van canviar l estiu del 06 ....feliç 2007 !!!

B O N N A D A L a tothom!!!
Merry Xmas to everybody

24 de desembre 2006

I ve been given the chance.... so from Dublin last year this year to Australia .... in 3 weeks ill be going to Sydney, helping out my mom look for a house and spending some days in the summer relaxing. Im flipping out, but the ticket is booked, and its finally a reality.

Nit Catalana de full Joda i Gresca


finally, im home....back into ¨my room¨ and with no 24-7 internet connexion.. :-( but hej, got all the new magazines from altair to read, so should be having more than enough things to do. And the best part, im sick :D oh yes, like always, geting sick right the days that i come home. But plans were plans and i still had a great night out at L ovella negra...

ianu,george,guixot,artemis and mindru....quina nit gent, quina nit... els tes bonissims i els cubates suposo que tambe, pero en aquest tema ja no puc opinar tant! La gresca continuara despres dels sopars familiars d aquest any i per cap d any encara esta tot per decidir!!

En george i jo... And the guys sitting next to us where from Groningen! Why..are the dutch following me everywhere?! .... ik kom uit groningen...ahh ik woon in den haag...hahahah...

Tot el grupet... i els tes i uns cubates..

CANVI DE PAPERS! qui es qui...? Em demano el joc per nadal!

Super SexSymbol Ianu amb Guixot i Xixi

i finalment,gracies a en ianu....jajajajaja.

www.fotolog.com/ianu --> hahah, gracies!
missatge per el teu amic informatic, TOMAS per que no vas entrar? pff...

Vull un altre canvi de papers en el cual tambe hi participi en george!!!

p.s. Regarding the flight I find it inecesarry for vueling hostesses to start singing "merry xmas songs" on the plane...specially if they cant even finish the song! Its obvious its xmas the plane was full of half dutch half catalan families all coming """home""".

p.s. this computer needs a recucitating machine, it shuts down every now and then :S

22 de desembre 2006

Back to Schipol

foto: Anna i jo Firenze, Italia05


Tommorrow is the day!!! :) I got 8 hours of work,2 hours of rest, 5 hours of sleep, 30 minutes of train,1.5 hours of checkin and waiting, 2 hours of flight and then....

B A R C E L O N A ...will be infront of my eyes.... :D

already got some plans for the evening. Just go to go home,leave the luggage, say hi to parents :D (ok...ill say hi to Miquel as well...) get some food and walk out the door :D Cant wait...the past four months have gone quick,they have actually flown..but now, it feels good to have a break, and a 5 week break couldnt be better excuse to go to see the sweet sun and good food and ... family of course. I will be back in NL very soon...but the next week should be great :D hoping for some sun and warmer weather, and if not, just the fact of having a break is good! Rachel...see you in Barcelona in two days! :D

see you all soon...merry holidays and happy new year! :D

Ill mind my step at Schipol.. :D

18 de desembre 2006

Perduda al mig de 1,000 mons

sense saber quin triar
cal triar?

Imagina que tot son petits viatges

el viatge comenca on tu vols

quedarte o marxar...

marxar o escapar

viatges que no s acaven mai.....

13 de desembre 2006

I ahir..visita tot el dia al port de Rotterdam .....containers, containers i mes containers...
Containers blancs son els containers refrigerats!!
mireu mireu mireu com s aixeca!! I despres sopar amb tots...Les fotos arribaran aviat...

I avui, estudi,reunions,estudi i despres...aniversari de la Undine...

Fent el tonto...Dudok, conegut per els seus pastis de poma i si si, estava bonissim!!
I els altres amagats alla al radera....
Es pot ven dir que aquest any ens ha tocat un bon grup de gent a la clase!!

10 de desembre 2006

Saturday Night...

Saturday Night in Pics

....vaig dir que tenia que estudiar....pero eren els seus aniversaris i no podia fallar a la cita....

erem quatre, pero els altres estaven fora, la cua era llarguissima....comencava a ser tard..

Pero finalment el Popeye va arribar!!!

I ja vem serhi tots!!

i vem comencar a disfrutar de la festa i a fer una mica el gilipolles....

Apa, felicitats a l Anna i a la Milena (que no crec que mirin pas el meu blog!) i visca la gent catxonda de la meva classe!! Kina nit.....

Want to vote?

Intresting, have a look at the ages from which you are allowed to vote in certain countries. . . Now comes the best, in Bolivia it depends on if you are married or single.... intresting.

In most countries 18
Bolivia: 18 if married and 21 if single
Brazil: 16
Cameroon: 20
Cuba: 16
Iran: 15
Japan: 20
Malaysia: 21
Nicaragua: 16
Uzbekistan: 25

09 de desembre 2006


Recordatori :
Per apuntar-s’hi es necessiten els següents prerequisits
Destinacio per decidir, no nomes visitar ciutats importants pero tambe poblets i coses menys tipiques.
Disposat a aguantarme
Major de 16 anys
Viure a Berga,Vilobi,St.Cugat
Saber la definició de Catxondisme
Voler anar en pla barato
Que no li faci por pujar en avio (ja que el viatja en barco dura massa..)

He trobat una pagina on hi han totes les radios d holanda, i les pots escoltar totes desde una mateixa pagina. www.nederland.fm algu coneix si aixo tambe existeix per Catalunya????

08 de desembre 2006

3.....2.....1.... ha commençat l estress, l augment de dies de feina i tot plegat... queden 12 dies d estress despres no se que fare 10 dies sense fer res. . . . segur que a bcn hi ha prou coses a fer :) ara concentracio fins el dia 20. . . Avui arriba la maria de lux, esclar que nomes per 1 dia. . .

05 de desembre 2006

"Every exit is an entry somewhere" Tom Stoppard

because there are still a few months to go
still many beers to have
man olliebollen to be eaten
many delayed trains to take
many bike rides to take
courses to be taken
a few more speculaas to go
some more patat speciaal
some more towns to visit
a few more shopping visits to be done
Now that it feels right, its starting to feel that soon it will be over....too soon.

And who will remember it? What will be remembered? Where will the footsteps remain?

But for now enjoying the rain as much as possible. . .

04 de desembre 2006

Under 18s as a percentage of population
. . . . . . . open to free analysis. . . . . . .

03 de desembre 2006

Unconfortable Views 1

It was somewhere in mid july, when the temperatures were reaching the 40C and half of the catalan population was on holidays. The unfortunate were still working, and needed nannys for their children who were still too young to stay on their own. In the past years immigrants have arrived non stop to our country, increasing exponentially yearly. And my town has attracted many of them, specially due to the growth of snobby people who have moved from Barcelona to St.Cugat. Of course they are in need of a man to clean their car, one to cook, one to take care of their children, a housekeeper etc. So now when every spanish person is doing their siesta and all the shops are closed, you walk in the streets and you come across the ecuatorians, colombians,peruvians,bolivians,argentinans,venezuelans etc... Its an enormous change from a few years back when all you could encounter were catalan people who had lived their for ages, not even those snobs from barcelona had moved to st.cugat... now its a mix of immigrants. First there are the snoby barcelona immigrants who decided to move to st.cugat and procrate so that our town becomes the town with the highest natality in catalonia and the immigrants from south america. . . . . Whether i like the situation or not, somewhere in mid July i was confronted with a situation that i wish would have been different.

5pm was the meeting time, infront of the train station of course, our small train station. It was friday! End of the week, for me holidays so of course, no problem...friday, monday, tuesay they all ment party... but for many it was the beggining of the weekend. I forgot that in spain people tend to be a bit late, and i arrived at 4.50. Having nothing to do i just sat in the steps of the stairs and as always started to look around the square infront of me. Its a newly renovated square, which you can reach from 3 different streets, and cars cant pass there. So i sat and observe, and it was then that i started to realize that something was different that day, the weekend for many people was gona become not such a great one.

There was a police car, hidden in a corner of a square. If you were coming from the street in the far left you could not see the car. Barcelona is full of immigrants without legal papers, so of course the last thing you want to do is go near a police car. But this time they had done it right, they had hidden their car. Not only was the car hidden but also the policemen were completley dressed without their uniforms. It was almost 5pm so many people were coming to the station,but because it was holidays only a few were catalans, a great majority were immigrants. They were easily detectable, non chick cloths, darker skin, darker hair, not wearing the typical menorquines that every catlalan wears in the summer. . . Although maybe a few were indistinguishable the majority were.

Everytime there was one of them coming to the station , which they were coming in a constant flow, the policeman in his nice shirt would go up to them and show them the police badge and say "police, i want to see your documents". You would see a few persons geting some documents out of their purses and them and being let to pass, the rest were taken to the car. What happened there i did not have clear, so i took a walk,but i couldnt get too close. However,there were many of them standing by the car while three police men interrogated them. I went back to my sitting place in the stairs, it was so unconfortable to sit there. I had passed from my typical view of seeing people coming and meeting friends, to observing how the police had set a trap for those immigrants. I saw the women and men coming with their smiles in their faces, they were over with their job for that hour, maybe they were going to the next one maybe they were going to enjoy a nice weekend. And then came the man "Police, Documents" in such a rude way. I felt like i could not sit there and observe. I know,actually i knew that immigration has to be controled,i can still not decide which level of controlability must be attained. But i could not bear sitting there and seeing someone pass by and geting checked and taken away. Couldnt i do something? I felt like running two streets down and telling them all to not take that street but to enter the station through the back door.

When my friends came, we took a walk to the monestary and i saw a few people just sitting infront of the shops and not going towards the station. . . they had been warned by their friends or by someone i guess. . .

Sometimes im the one controled, everybody gets their checks and scrutineies, we get retained for reasons for which maybe we shouldnt. We get judged for not looking the right way, we get kicked off places for not having the right requisites. But it was disgusting and unconfortable to sit there and to see how systematically those people were checked, and who knows were they ended up afterwards.

That day i felt that i could connect with those persons somehow, whether they were immigrants or not. I could see them coming towards the station, i saw the policeman approaching them, i knew what was gona happen. Yet,i just sat and observed, they were taken to the hidden car, and then i never saw them again...

I would of have liked to say that next time i would of have stand up and help the persons, but we all know we are not heros. One month later i found myself in the middle of a police assault to the indian shops where i was shopping in the middle of Jaipur. For the first seconds i just stood there, then i had to run i didnt want to be beaten up with the bamboo sticks that the police carried. . . its so easy to dream that one day we will be heros.

02 de desembre 2006

The Raji

Today i made a small discovery: in south Nepal, by the border of India the Rajis exist, its a very small community who are semi nomads and chase bees. Wherever you find the bees, there you ll fine the Raji. They climb trees which are as high as 15 story high buildings... when the report asked if they ever fall the answer is " you fall when your life is over".

But my favorite statement " We begin our life by weaving a fishnet. We end our life before ever finishing it. We re always weaving a net and forever fixing it"- Pagou Ram.

"The Raji are one of the last ethnic groups in Nepal still living in the forest as semi-nomads. Travelling for months in family bands, the Raji follow the bees as they migrate through the lowlands with the blossoming of flowers. Following this band, I would learn what it means to be as poor as dirt - and as rich as the earth." By Eric Valli

I feel like escaping this city for a while and just going for the search of a new/different ethnic group in the other side of the world....but for now ill stick to the national geographic magazine and channel... (geek :), i know)


Which ones do you chosse??

The Acropolis
Hagia Sophia
The Kremlin/St. Basil's
The Colosseum
Neu- schwanstein Castle
The Eiffel Tower
The Alhambra
The Great Wall of China
Kiyomizu Temple
The Sydney Opera House
The Taj Mahal
Timbuktu Jan.
The Pyramids of Giza
The Statue of Christ Redeemer
The Easter Island Statues
Machu Picchu
Chichen Itzá
The Statue of Liberty


30 de novembre 2006

Vezza a Olanda!

Il contadino ha trovato anche de mucche in Olanda ....Ha sorriso, era felice era comme a Vezza!

Tutto il giorno ha giocato.... e giocato. .. e giocato ma non podeva vincere.... lui era un contadino e voleva ritornare a Vezza.

E doppo siamo usciti, la birra e sempre buona...

Ma lunedì è venuto. ..e vuoi siete ritornate a l Italia

L'ultimo fine settimana è andato molto veloce, a stato divertente, molto divertente... adesso mi avete lasciato da sola a olanda...e voui siete ritornate a Vezza...anche io voleva venire! Magari ci vediamo il anno prossimo a Francia?? Non lo so...magari vendro a vezza...per vedere le mucche! Questi giorni di lezioni di taliano sono stati benne, o imparato anche piu parole. Anche Irum ha imparato molto, adesso lei po dire Contadino! hahahah.....

Siamo diventati troppo olandesi?

24 de novembre 2006

photo by Exian

How is it possible to live without thinking about the future and the past???

22 de novembre 2006

Time pass, trams pass, movies start... but i cant seem to do much productive things in a quick time today.

I just can not sit down and study for longer than... pff basically i just can not sit down. Dont know what is going on lately but anything related with studing avoiding behaviour is welcomed!!! Well Chiara and the farmers are arriving tommorrow from Milan for a few days :) so I guess ill have plenty of study avoiding activities to do during this weekend,but after that I must solve the problem... anybody has any usefull solution. For the record, telling me that you are also dealing with study avoiding behavious is not very helpfull! :)

I finally got my space at sxu where i can put some pics some """"good""" pics, well if u want to check them out they are at www.sxc.hu/profile/giselaroyo They keep rejecting a bunch of them which is rather frustrating, but at least theyhave accepted 28 pictures and im gona try and upload a few more so you can find my pieces of art there, hehehe!

I was hivernating for a few days, but as you see I am back. Will probably go into hivernation mode again for a few more days! Tommorrow is the Pets concert, but unfortunately im 1800km away from the concert location so i guess ill miss it :( maybe in xmas i can compensate it by going somewhere to see them... Yeah, for the record their lyrics are stupid, and the name of the group translated into english is The Farts, but i just love them :)

Also, since I found out that some financial student knows about this blog, in case he reads it I want to let you know that Logistics is a Key part of an organization! Not only do my eyes hurt, and am i doing study avoiding activities, but i got 0 inspiration, as always, to write anything. So maybe next time i will try to be more creative and write about the different dutch cuisines, however, i dont think i can fill up too much space about that :0) i mean, stampoot,haring, patat...ahum, they say broccoli,but i didnt know that was dutch! :) I will keep to the kip and appelmouse.
Cant wait till tommorrow... after 4 months re-reunion with the italian gang, and actually its been a year that i havent seen fiore! :)

20 de novembre 2006

Where is your luggage????

This is what i study now a days, conveyor belts, and transport systems within warehouses...besides orderpicking systems of course ;-) quite intresting actually!

17 de novembre 2006

... Ja tinc un nou desktop. La putada es aixo que digui NOT REGISTERED, però m encanta. Cada minut es va movent de manera que sapigues en aquest precis moment si es de dia o de nit a les diferents parts del mon. Tambe pots veure les ciutats iluminades a la nit... en fi..xulissim! Com es pot observar tenim nits molt llargues en l atmisferi nord ara :S vaaa que arrivi la primavera! X cert perque hi ha tanta terra al atmisferi nord i tant poca al atmisferi sur?

12 de novembre 2006

Fish and Human can Coexist Peacefully

Terminar de trabajar y que te vengan a buscar...
Quedarte sentada en el bar, esta vez ya no eres tu la que sirves sino ellos los que te sirven
Decirle claramente a tu puerco amiga que a las 8 de la noche tienes que irte ( o sea, no te puedes quedar mas que una hora)...
Hablar,hablar,hablar, hablar...
Mirar el reloj y ver que ...ooopppsss son las 11.30! hmmmm a las 12.10 salir corriendo para intentar agarrar el ultimo tranvia!...

Por fin hora de dormir... despues de haver estado 12 horas en el mismo bar....
Che yo tambien miss la playa de bcn...

Demasiadas coincidencias de paises i de personas similares ... o yo trabajo con tus compañeros de clase, o me mudo yo a tu pais, o tu te mudas al mio o nos mudamos las dos al mismo.... Tantas que estoy segura que somehow we will still be able to do our spanenglishfrenchcatalandutchczech talks for the rest of our vidas, because vous me comprendes verdad ?
Divendres a les 8.45 ens vem trobar tots els de la clase a Duiven, una ciutat que esta a la frontera amb alemania. Tenir que ser alla a les 8.45 va voler dir aixecarse a les 5 del mati.. i no va ser pas per diversio. Teniem la obligacio de ser al poligon industrial de duiven a les 8.45 per fer una visita al magatzem d una empresa.

Pensareu que estic sonada pero em va encantar, vam estar alla durant 4 hores fent la visita..... tot sobre els temes de logistica de com guarden els productes, de com mouen els productes, com els posen als camions,

tots els diferents tipus de maquines, pallets, cintes transportadores, mecanismes per moure els palets. Mireu les fotos! Segur que us semblarà súper interessant (sobretot a certa gent).

Aquí les tenim amb unes cares de estar súper contentes desprès d haverse aixecat d hora per conduir fins l altre banda del país! Per sort no vam tenir embussos!

Finalment vem pujar als cotxes i vem tornar cap a la uni, alguns amb mes presses que altres perquè ja era la 1 del migdia ens quedaven dues hores de viatge i a les 5 teníem que entregar un treball... Per sort jo l havia acabat, no se com l hagués pogut acabar el divendres ja que nomes arribar a casa em vaig quedar roque, portava uns dies sense parar.

Ara encara ens toquen dues visites mes, mes una visita a la fira de logística mes important del Benelux. Clar que si no hi volem anar no hi tenim que anar…però llavors suspendrem la assignatura…hmmmm

Agafar un petate i marxar
Marxar lluny lluny d aqui
Molt lluny
El petate vermell (es clar..)
Ja que el verd sempre arriva 2 dies mes tard
Agafar el passaport i anar a creuar fronteres
Olvidarme dels 1,001 treballs que tinc que entregar
Anar a donar un vol per un altre part del planeta
Veure el sol
Gastar poc
i saber que l endema no tindras que continuar fent el treball que has deixat a mig fer la nit anterior...

D E S C A N S A R , V E U R E E L S O L i V I A T J A R lluny es tot el que necesito avui...

on es el meu petate!!!!!

08 de novembre 2006


The Tree With Eyes

Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

foto by: Irum Shahid

07 de novembre 2006

Ens Vem Creuar?

Mireu aquesta criatura…. No se de quin any es, potser ara te 50 anys I es de l any 1956 o potser en te 20 I es del any 1986 o potser ara en te 10 I es de l any 1996… ves tu a saber… Ves a saber potser un dia em vaig creuar amb ell, qui ho sap. Me trobat aquesta foto per l Internet i he pensat que seria divertit penjar-la, potser te propietari! Crec possible que m hagi creuat amb ell, amb aquesta barratina que porta deu ser un personatge molt catalanista… de fet segur que es un d aquests individus que es presenta a concerts independentistes i que va a manifestacions…No se, jo crec que aquesta cara em sona, segur que me l he trobat per algun concert, o potser no? Anna, tu em pots ajudar? Potser tu el coneixes?

El fet es igual….però quants cops al dia ens creuem una persona. Potser hi ha certes persones que ens hem creuat mes de 1,000 cop sense ni adonar-nos compte. Gent que agafa el mateix tren, gent que va a la porta del costat, o simplement gent que per raó o altre ens hem creuat mentres anàvem a un lloc o altre diferent, i resulta que ells feien el mateix…. Seria divertit començar una conversa amb un d ells algun dia, el mon es mes petit del que ens pensem.

Jo seguiré buscant el personatge d aquesta foto. Potser vaig al diario de Patrícia, ella m ajudarà a trobar-lo! Però seria mes fácil si t identifiquéis tu solet! J Espero que algún lector del xiximundis m ajudi amb la meva recerca…

06 de novembre 2006

Comunicacio Impossible

A vegades resulta totalment impossible comunicar-se amb la gent…

Li preguntem al Harjunder Singh d on es, i per molta pinta que te de ser del Punjab ens respon “Jaipur” hmm… sembla que estem entrant a la ciutat de Jaipur. Però nosaltres el que volíem saber era d on era ell!!

Li preguntem si esta casat i si te fills! Aquest cop ens entén i ens diu “No” ! Bien ! hem aconseguit que ens respongui com a mínim una pregunta…

Li diem que volem anar a Udaipur i ens diu Yes Madame, total desprès resulta que no ens ha entès del tot i es pensa que ens quedem a dormir a Pushkar…

Li diem que ens porti a un banc a canviar diners i ens porta a un mercat….a canviar diners per bens. Grr... NO! Nosaltres el que volem es canviar Dollars per Rupis, no Dollars per bens!

Al cap de 5 dies tenim ganes de coneixel una mica mes, però les converses no passen del “Yes Madam”…. Comença a ser tot un catxondeig….

Però finalment vem arribar a Jodhpur…a un guest house on vem tenir una habitació de com a mínim 50 metres quadrats! Total per 3 euros la nit! Yuhu! :D Però això no era lo important… lo important es que ens les vem empescar per tenir una de les nits mes catxondes de tot el mes! Finalment vem saber d on era, de que feia, quants anys tenia, quan es casaria, que pensava de la musica dels Pets… finalment vem saber les opinions del nostre conductor el Harjunder Singh, gracies a les traduccions catxondes del Sunny.
foto: Jodhpur, India Summer06

Era aixì Anna a Gisela (català) a Sunny (angles) aHarjunder Singh (indi)

Les preguntes eren per petar-se....i les respostes també! I sobretot la timidesa del sr. Singh..
I els comentaris del Sunny i el seu company Romeo ( Oh... he is so shy with girls!) hahahahaha!

Quina nit mare meva….Les converses amb traductor poden ser super catxondes ! Sobretot si portes 5 dies fent llistes mentals de tot el que vols preguntar….
....Interesting suprise after a long day at uni... Still wonderin how a swartkwasmuishond looks like ....some things just dont make sense.

Lets keep up the dinners after the cases :-)

By the way had anybody ever heard of the pythagora's theorem? (ahum... wasn it in 6th grade that we learned that?)

05 de novembre 2006


Hi ha coses sorpenents.... sense comentaris.

...back to the past...

....some music brings me back to the past... I can almost never find pictures of the places in which I spend the most time, the school builduing, my room, libertador, tren de la costa, san isidro etc etc etc...but at least I found some in my computer. Memories of Argentina ....

“A la meva vida”(Lluis Gavalda), “In My Life” (Lennon & Mc Cartney).

Hi ha racons que em porten sempre vells records del que he viscut, n hi ha que no semblen el que eren, uns no hi son i uns s han perdut son memories plenes de tendressa ....N’hi ha que no semblen el que eren,uns no hi sóni uns s’han perdut.Són memòries plenes de tendresade nòvies i amicsque em van donar amor.Alguns són morts i alguns són plens de vida.I els he estimat amb tot el cor.Però de totes les persones, no n’hi ha cap semblant a tu.I és que fas que l’enyorança perdi força si et miro als ulls.Tinc molt clar que mai perdré l’afecte per coses i gent que em van fer el que sóc.I tot i que sovint pensaré amb elles,t’estimo a tu amb tot el cor.Tinc molt clar que mai perdré l’afecte per coses i gent que em van fer el que sóc.I tot i que sovint pensaré amb elles,t’estimo a tu amb tot el cor.T’estimo a tu amb tot el cor...

Calafate,Patagonia, Argentina 1998

Museo de la Plata, Argentina 1999

Machu Pichu, Peru 1999

Buenos Aires Graduation 1999
