29 de març 2007

B.A.R.C.E.L.O.N.A passejades per Sant Cugat els diumenges a la tarda tot rodejant la plaça del Monestir (ara i sempre Plaça del Monestir!) i fent un tallat a alguna terrasseta, els sopars a casa amb truites de patates i amb el quatrio de sempre, els dos petons, les trobades inesperades al tren, les compres express, l'Altair, les fugides a la uni (sense gespeta), els missatges subliminals i els pastissos de xocolata, les passejades de la mel, els FGC, el restaurant de peix que al final no es gaire bo, les nits per bcn, aerobus,pl.catalunya,fnac......... S.A.N.T C.U.G.A.T

ha anat tot massa rapid!!

11 de març 2007

We all have a bad day, so if thats you today... just play this video...trust me you will feel better...(unless...hmm you are american,no offense)

09 de març 2007

I am a water lover, well i was. I was when i used to have the nice mediterranean water to swimm at, where half of the fauna is extint and the only danger is ... a big wave? Then i headed to Australia, started hearing about shark attacks, cocodriles, water tides, i started to freak out, then the water was freezing cold.

Anyways, im diverging here a bit too much. When i think of the amazon and the water in it i start to freak out by thinking of anacondas,cocodriles piranhas. But then I made a new discovery. Martin Strel, marathoon winner who is swimming down the amazon mentioned the toothpick fish as a major danger in the river. HUH? Toothpick fish, yes the TOOTHPICK fish, so let me explain.

The fish itself is one of the smallest vertebrates in the planet. It basically will enter your body through your penis and you can only get rid of it by surgery :D What goes in doesnt go out through the same way. So be carefull next time you jump into the amazon water. There havent been too many human attacks by the toothpick fish also known as candiru however the few that exists seem to have been quite ...painfull.

Here is a funny (okay, painfull) report of a Toothpick fish "attack"

I felt like urinating. I stood up, and it was then it attacked me. The candirú attacked me. […] When I saw it, I was terrified. I grabbed it quickly so it couldn't go deeper inside. I could only see the end of its tail flapping. I tried to grab it, but it slipped away from me and went in. […] I was very afraid, because the candirú bites."

this is definately damm intresting

Weekend in England

Baked Beans
Warwick Castle
Midnight Soccer
Lemmington with (no) shopping... Right!
Pop Tarts
In Campus Life
Buckets of Water
Logic Books

........................weekend in England :D ...............................
..............................Weather same as Holland...................