18 de febrer 2009
10 de febrer 2009

photo by me, Raiatea
The purpose of our lives is to be happy.Choosing to live a happy life is not only our greatest gift to ourselves, it is also the greatest gift we can give to those around us. When we are happy, we radiate happiness, and that is infectious. Consider giving the gift of happiness to yourself as being your gift to all humanity.
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
The BBC Container Box
In order to answer the following questions "What does globalisation mean? How does world trade really work? How much difference has the humble shipping container made to the massive growth of the global economy and how does it affect your life?" BBC has been following a container around the world for one year (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/business/2008/the_box/default.stm)
Together with it you can find videos on how the container got painted, what are containers used for after their "life" is over,the arrival of the container in multiple ports Singapore/Santos/Shangai or the passage through the suez canal. The effect of the crisis can be seen throught the videos were they state how much the cost of container transport has droped, sometimes reaching to a 50% decrease, ships not traveilng at their full capacity and some ships being "layed out". The importance of the supply chain gets into the light in these videos. If the goods do not arrive right on time to the port, they are not shipped, so they miss their train in the other side to arrive to the other side of the country and on time to the shop. For seasonal products a miss might be a loss. A delay and you may losse your client... but with so many players in a supply chain, how can one reach full efficiency?
The videos are short and superficial, but if you are intrested dont forget to go into the link!
Together with it you can find videos on how the container got painted, what are containers used for after their "life" is over,the arrival of the container in multiple ports Singapore/Santos/Shangai or the passage through the suez canal. The effect of the crisis can be seen throught the videos were they state how much the cost of container transport has droped, sometimes reaching to a 50% decrease, ships not traveilng at their full capacity and some ships being "layed out". The importance of the supply chain gets into the light in these videos. If the goods do not arrive right on time to the port, they are not shipped, so they miss their train in the other side to arrive to the other side of the country and on time to the shop. For seasonal products a miss might be a loss. A delay and you may losse your client... but with so many players in a supply chain, how can one reach full efficiency?
The videos are short and superficial, but if you are intrested dont forget to go into the link!
07 de febrer 2009
03 de febrer 2009
Alexandra,Miquel,Florian,Marc,Carlos,Marlene,Giulia,Carlos,Elena,Elena M.,Daniela,Bea, Itzel,Fede,Francesca,Minda,Alfonso,Raquel,David,Mitzy,Julia,Elisa,Nadir,Ashik..... just a few names.
Incredible the amount of none french people that you can get to know in less than 1 year in a place.
Incredible that in Paris I met the largest amount of Catalan people in my life.
Incredible that only 1 person is still in Paris, and soon to leave: Ana. 1 Non French Person.
Incredible to think about the amount of people we will meet in the future.
Incredible how similar people that just arrive in the city are lost as you.
Incredible how many different languages people can speak.
Incredible how fast time passes by.
Incredible the amount of none french people that you can get to know in less than 1 year in a place.
Incredible that in Paris I met the largest amount of Catalan people in my life.
Incredible that only 1 person is still in Paris, and soon to leave: Ana. 1 Non French Person.
Incredible to think about the amount of people we will meet in the future.
Incredible how similar people that just arrive in the city are lost as you.
Incredible how many different languages people can speak.
Incredible how fast time passes by.
02 de febrer 2009
The future store
A bit long.... but a nice video of the Metro New Future Store.
I visited in Germany 2 years ago, and its quite awesome when you have it infront of your eyes...
It will make you the itinerary in the shop, tell you the offers on the products you are searching, no need to take the things out of your cart to pay :)
Here is the video :)
I visited in Germany 2 years ago, and its quite awesome when you have it infront of your eyes...
It will make you the itinerary in the shop, tell you the offers on the products you are searching, no need to take the things out of your cart to pay :)
Here is the video :)
Caos a Londres i a París per la Neu
Doncs si, efectivament ho confirmo. He sortit de casa sense saber que hi havia neu. I quan he obert la porta he vist que tot estava nevat. He pensat que no passava res si no tenia ni els guants ni la bufanda amb mi. Havia nevat feia uns dies, i una mica de fred no em mataria. Nomes tenia que agafar el tren i el bus.... Clar, que no he pensat que per culpa de la neu, el bus no funcionaria.... Me pasat mes de 20min esperant el bus, finalment he marxat a peu...i xino xano assegurant me de no patinar, he arribat a la feina. Tard, com tothom.
01 de febrer 2009
6 Billion Others
Only for 1 month in Paris, and yet more than 4 years to build the project.
The exposition 6 millards d'autres can be seen at the Grand Palais in Paris until mid february. Its a project lead by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. He is the famous photographer that did the exposition on the world from above. He took photographs of the world seen from a helicopter.
Now he has done 5,000 interviews in a total of 75 different countries in order to show how different/similar all humans are in this planet. The questions raised in his interviews go from " what are your first memories" to " what does family represent for you", " what is happiness", "what message do you want to pass to the next generation" etc. It is intresting to see the different answers of people from diveresed cultures.
This exhibition is meant to be "moved" around the world, so I highly suggest you pay it a visit when it comes to your city.
The exposition 6 millards d'autres can be seen at the Grand Palais in Paris until mid february. Its a project lead by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. He is the famous photographer that did the exposition on the world from above. He took photographs of the world seen from a helicopter.
Now he has done 5,000 interviews in a total of 75 different countries in order to show how different/similar all humans are in this planet. The questions raised in his interviews go from " what are your first memories" to " what does family represent for you", " what is happiness", "what message do you want to pass to the next generation" etc. It is intresting to see the different answers of people from diveresed cultures.
This exhibition is meant to be "moved" around the world, so I highly suggest you pay it a visit when it comes to your city.
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