Some of us give and some of us don’t give. Some of us have time and some of us don’t have time. Some of us have money and some of us don’t have money. Some of us are kind and some of us are unkind. Some of us are hopeful some of us are unhopeful. There is no need for anybody to find an excuse for not doing or being what the others do.
I decided to become a volunteer long time ago. I was a volunteer in Argentina in the Mother Theresa’s home already when I was 12 and 13. It was related to school but we would collect clothing for the homes, build games for the kids and go visit the homes. It was a first experience to giving and receiving. It then continued with various small activities in Prague, and then the major cleaning up in Prague after the Prague floods in 2002. You have a house far away from the river, which doesn’t get flooded. You go to the center of the city every week to enjoy of its tranquility and beauty and magic and then one day you arrive from holidays and its all flooded destroyed and business unable to run. How can you just sit at your house on top of the hill and stay there? I also helped out for a few weeks in an office of an NGO in
Sydney and now it has gotten all more stable and real in Paris in the Red Cross.
For me it is time that I can and like to give. I like to work with people and help a little bit out, you can never revolutionize the world, but you can always bring a small smile to at least one person. It is frustrating at times to see that some situations don’t improve but its always good to hear that somebody was waiting for your arrival and is happy to see you. I do not judge the people that don’t give time, everybody can donate or not donate. I do think that things would work much better if everybody donated at least 15 minutes a week to help someone who is in problems, but after all people are consumed in their own world and many times unable and/or unwilling to give.
As I say, I respect everybody and their decisions to donate or not donate be it time or money. Nevertheless, I can not stand those hypocrites that do not allow volunteers do their work. Some people cut off your resources so that you won’t be able to help out. This refers to a particular problem that arrived last week. Live and let live, and don’t get in the middle of the actions of someone who is trying to help someone else. Some people are simply extremely disrespectful. The same goes for the governments that do not allow the NGOs to access to their countries to save the lives of those that are at risk, in particular at moments when a second might mean the difference between life and death.
Also, why are people always looking for excuses? If I say I volunteer why do people reply with “oh I don’t have time, oh my life is too busy? Oh I cant deal with homeless people”. Did I ask you why you don’t do it? Did I ask you to donate money or time? I don’t see why people look for excuses when they are not even forced to do something. I don’t do it because I’m forced but because I enjoy it. In fact, after all we all face and will face big problems at some point in our lives, even the most unforecastable of problems. Some of us might end up homeless in the streets, others might end up in the hospital being extremely sick with no medication to cure ourselves- lets be realistic, shit happens. Why not help someone while you can?
Why do people come to me to tell me that they could never travel to “such poor and dirty countries” or that they could never work in humanitarian jobs as “they are not well remunerated”. Did I ever ask anybody to volunteer or to travel to poor countries? I do not do these activities because I feel that I am forced to do it, if I felt forced I could not even enjoy it. I don’t believe I own anything to the community nor that I must do good for the community. It is simply something I like to do and I wish that if I ever really need help somebody will help me out. In the mean time everybody can choose their style of life without needing to give me excuses on why they don’t give time or money.
Live and Give or Live and Let Give. They are both good so stop giving me excuses.
I decided to become a volunteer long time ago. I was a volunteer in Argentina in the Mother Theresa’s home already when I was 12 and 13. It was related to school but we would collect clothing for the homes, build games for the kids and go visit the homes. It was a first experience to giving and receiving. It then continued with various small activities in Prague, and then the major cleaning up in Prague after the Prague floods in 2002. You have a house far away from the river, which doesn’t get flooded. You go to the center of the city every week to enjoy of its tranquility and beauty and magic and then one day you arrive from holidays and its all flooded destroyed and business unable to run. How can you just sit at your house on top of the hill and stay there? I also helped out for a few weeks in an office of an NGO in

For me it is time that I can and like to give. I like to work with people and help a little bit out, you can never revolutionize the world, but you can always bring a small smile to at least one person. It is frustrating at times to see that some situations don’t improve but its always good to hear that somebody was waiting for your arrival and is happy to see you. I do not judge the people that don’t give time, everybody can donate or not donate. I do think that things would work much better if everybody donated at least 15 minutes a week to help someone who is in problems, but after all people are consumed in their own world and many times unable and/or unwilling to give.
As I say, I respect everybody and their decisions to donate or not donate be it time or money. Nevertheless, I can not stand those hypocrites that do not allow volunteers do their work. Some people cut off your resources so that you won’t be able to help out. This refers to a particular problem that arrived last week. Live and let live, and don’t get in the middle of the actions of someone who is trying to help someone else. Some people are simply extremely disrespectful. The same goes for the governments that do not allow the NGOs to access to their countries to save the lives of those that are at risk, in particular at moments when a second might mean the difference between life and death.
Also, why are people always looking for excuses? If I say I volunteer why do people reply with “oh I don’t have time, oh my life is too busy? Oh I cant deal with homeless people”. Did I ask you why you don’t do it? Did I ask you to donate money or time? I don’t see why people look for excuses when they are not even forced to do something. I don’t do it because I’m forced but because I enjoy it. In fact, after all we all face and will face big problems at some point in our lives, even the most unforecastable of problems. Some of us might end up homeless in the streets, others might end up in the hospital being extremely sick with no medication to cure ourselves- lets be realistic, shit happens. Why not help someone while you can?
Why do people come to me to tell me that they could never travel to “such poor and dirty countries” or that they could never work in humanitarian jobs as “they are not well remunerated”. Did I ever ask anybody to volunteer or to travel to poor countries? I do not do these activities because I feel that I am forced to do it, if I felt forced I could not even enjoy it. I don’t believe I own anything to the community nor that I must do good for the community. It is simply something I like to do and I wish that if I ever really need help somebody will help me out. In the mean time everybody can choose their style of life without needing to give me excuses on why they don’t give time or money.
Live and Give or Live and Let Give. They are both good so stop giving me excuses.