20 d’octubre 2007

Oh! I never ever made an entry in Japan! I was there for 1 entire week and no entry...shame on me! I have a headache at the moment, so I dont want to have to look up all the stuff on the internet (names etc.. shamefull I forgot the name of many places..).

So far Paris is treating me quite well. France is quite restricted due to strikes...once someone starts strinking in this country everybody does...the trains are on strike. You can still go to Paris,but some lines are cut. However,life in the campus remains the same. Thursday night parties...this one wasnt so good. Restaurant opening for short times. Doing some presentations, working at the "dish washer" of the university restaurant, speaking more catalan than french...

This saturday I decided to stay in. Basically everybody left to Paris but I decided to concentrate on some insleeping and homework. Last saturday I did a bit of discovering Chatelet and the 6th arrondisment. Loved that area, relax, less touristy, nice gardens. Of course Alexandra and I stoped at a well known place where they sell macarons (this typical sweet thing that comes in all possible colors..) and also into a suposately famous bakery for our afternoon Pain Au Chocolat! Oh and let me not forget we did some shoe shopping too! I should be keeping up with this blog as much as I did during the summer!! Like this you could have all the detail reports on Paris! During the week nothing exciting, first exam at HEC. Most of the pics are still in my camera, so I leave you with a small image of the Campus at dawn...

18 d’octubre 2007

...radios berguedanes..

Volia fer referencia a un article que m ha arribat avui de RadioBerga, el qual podeu trobar a

No tinc paraules....us enganxo l article i la foto.

La terra dels bocarons, les olivetes, el pa amb tomàquet, el sol, la gespeta i la bona vida!! jaaaaaaaaaajajaajjaaaaaa!! Ja és oficial! i el poble català esta eufòric amb aquest anunci, des de terres parisines, tant i tant esperat!! Pobles, viles i ciutats ja preparen la gran festa del Catxondeig'07 per tal de celebrar com és degut aquesta històrica efemèride!! Les catalanes i els catalans surten a engalanar carrers i places, i a preparar ballarugues de les bones per la seva arribada, que esta prevista pel dia 27 d'aquest mes. Ahir, per exemple, a la plaça de la Patum de Berga es van congregar centenars de berguedans i berguedanes per demostrar públicament la seva alegria tant bon punt van saber la gran noticia, diuen que la festa ha durat fins ben entrada la matinada i a acabat amb aldarulls per culpa reaccionaris que no estaven prou informats. A més, l'alcalde ahir en ple extraordinari va proposar que el té sigui beguda oficial i els Pets sonin pel fil musical de la ciutat durant les 24 hores del dia. Es va aprovar, evidentment, per unanimitat.
Això és tot,
Radio Berga

05 d’octubre 2007

There are places I'll remember
All my life though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places had their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all

But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them

In my life I love you more
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them

In my life I love you more
In my life I love you more

The Beatles- In my Life