En memoria del 2005...
29 de gener 2007
28 de gener 2007
So ive made it after a bit more than 24 hours and with my luggage still in London, i myself and my handluggage have made it home. Lets face it, i dont feel like sitting here and writing, not only due to my lack of writing skills but also because i want to go to bed. However, i know that if i dare lay in my bed ill sleep for a long time meaning no sleep tonight, meaning i wount adapt to the time as fast as i want so here i am "killingtime" writing on my blog..
First of all, a few funny comments today at the aircraft. This one which i wrote down verbatim not to forget,cuz it was quite funny.
As we were taking off a general announcement states: " Anybody caught smoking will be asked to leave " im still wondering what kind of system theyve got in the plane to kick out the smokers specially since we were already on air when this announcement was made.
Secondly as we were parking in Heathrow .. " Smoking is NOT permited in the area reserved for smokers"
and last but not least while boarding the plane from London to Amsterdam " Welcome to this airbus ... (pause, and in a not too loud voice : which one is it?...giggles) (announcement continues) 319 destination Amsterdam"
Anyways all the pics that my father put on a CD for me to take home ended up not geting recorded on the CD :S and i cant pass any of my pics into the computer because my cable is in my luggage somewhere in London or hopefully on its way home...
I want to go back to aussieland...ill have to wait a few months but ill go back, do my bridge climb and surf lessons :P and hopefully go check out Melbourne and the east coast!!
First of all, a few funny comments today at the aircraft. This one which i wrote down verbatim not to forget,cuz it was quite funny.
As we were taking off a general announcement states: " Anybody caught smoking will be asked to leave " im still wondering what kind of system theyve got in the plane to kick out the smokers specially since we were already on air when this announcement was made.
Secondly as we were parking in Heathrow .. " Smoking is NOT permited in the area reserved for smokers"
and last but not least while boarding the plane from London to Amsterdam " Welcome to this airbus ... (pause, and in a not too loud voice : which one is it?...giggles) (announcement continues) 319 destination Amsterdam"
Anyways all the pics that my father put on a CD for me to take home ended up not geting recorded on the CD :S and i cant pass any of my pics into the computer because my cable is in my luggage somewhere in London or hopefully on its way home...
I want to go back to aussieland...ill have to wait a few months but ill go back, do my bridge climb and surf lessons :P and hopefully go check out Melbourne and the east coast!!
26 de gener 2007
22 de gener 2007
Real Sharks
...after seeing beaches and beaches sorrounded by nets and people saying there are sharks i started to miss swiming freely in the middle of nowhere in some remote place of the mediterranean.
I sat home and I put on the news Narrow escape in head-first shark attack
By 7News
"The 41-year-old swam into the jaws of the Great White, then poked it in the eye until he was freed""He came up to the surface and he's gone 'help, help, there's a shark"
...swimming in australia, good but think about it twice...
The Shark News
I sat home and I put on the news Narrow escape in head-first shark attack
By 7News
"The 41-year-old swam into the jaws of the Great White, then poked it in the eye until he was freed""He came up to the surface and he's gone 'help, help, there's a shark"
...swimming in australia, good but think about it twice...
The Shark News
Besides the worries regarding the natural disaster in the coasts of Devon where the MSC Napoli ship is sinking and leaking the oil I am worried about those containers...(haha) and i just heard on tv, that if you find stuff in the coast you can take it home, and there are some 30,000 motorbikes which are floating to shore in great amazing state :D Sounds pretty neat... however bbc states that "People who may find a washed-up container are being asked to stay well clear and report it to Portland Coastguard on 01305 760439"...
I have been googeling around for the past hours information about traveling, images,traveling blogs etc.. in the lonely planet website ive found some world signs which I think are great :) Here are a few of them
Oh!And in case you want to know about your seats in the airplanes dont missout on the following website www.seatguru.com all the details on the seats of the airplanes of different airlines :D its great!
Oh!And in case you want to know about your seats in the airplanes dont missout on the following website www.seatguru.com all the details on the seats of the airplanes of different airlines :D its great!
21 de gener 2007
Doncs si, els koalas son MOLT monos...aqui teniu unes fotos mes dels koalas!
Parlant dels animals, avui m ha trucat el meu pare desde Brisbane i m ha informat que al riu tambe a vegades hi pujen els taurons! grrr sembla ser que no em podre banyar amb tranquilitat a en lloc!Al acuari de sydney ahir vaig veure un cranc de tasmania que media mig metre! GRRR! KINA POR! Tambe una tortuga que no guarda el cap dins la closca sino que te al cap a un costat i plega el cap en horitzontal una cosa molt rara.
Avui ha estat un dia de relax i de visitar la ciutat a peu, caminant caminant he recorregut la ciutat i he tornat al hotel al cap de 4 horetes... he trobat una llibreria super gran amb una seccio de lonely planets!!! I me estat mirant per sobre la de cambodia i laos :) :)
I he trobat que per aqui hi ha la primera bar-cafeteria LINDT...tota plena de productes lindt...me comprat un gelat. B O N I S S I M! ! !
Us deixo amb unes fotos de Sydney (que molt be no m han quedat)...la setmana que ve comenca la rutina :(
Parlant dels animals, avui m ha trucat el meu pare desde Brisbane i m ha informat que al riu tambe a vegades hi pujen els taurons! grrr sembla ser que no em podre banyar amb tranquilitat a en lloc!Al acuari de sydney ahir vaig veure un cranc de tasmania que media mig metre! GRRR! KINA POR! Tambe una tortuga que no guarda el cap dins la closca sino que te al cap a un costat i plega el cap en horitzontal una cosa molt rara.
Avui ha estat un dia de relax i de visitar la ciutat a peu, caminant caminant he recorregut la ciutat i he tornat al hotel al cap de 4 horetes... he trobat una llibreria super gran amb una seccio de lonely planets!!! I me estat mirant per sobre la de cambodia i laos :) :)
I he trobat que per aqui hi ha la primera bar-cafeteria LINDT...tota plena de productes lindt...me comprat un gelat. B O N I S S I M! ! !
Us deixo amb unes fotos de Sydney (que molt be no m han quedat)...la setmana que ve comenca la rutina :(
20 de gener 2007
Hola un altre cop ara son les 6 del mati a bcn i les 4 de la tarda aqui. Mentres vosaltres dormiu jo escric aixo perque al mati ho veieu! whaha...
Ostres doncs ara ha arribat el company de pis que necesita l ordinador aixi que nomes us poso unes fotos de la Fauna Australiana i mes tard escriure un text..ara dirvos que els kangooros son HORROROSOS!!!
Ostres doncs ara ha arribat el company de pis que necesita l ordinador aixi que nomes us poso unes fotos de la Fauna Australiana i mes tard escriure un text..ara dirvos que els kangooros son HORROROSOS!!!
19 de gener 2007
Platges Australianes
...cuidado a les platges d australia....
Avui ha estat un dia si mes no curios, a les platges d australia no et pots banyar massa, com a minim les que he vist avui. Dels per exemple 1,000 metres que hi ha a la platja nomes et pots banyar entre dues banderes que posen, l espai entre aquestes banderes es de com a molt 10 metres.Brutal!
O sigui,avui a ple estiu vaig a una de les platges mes famoses, gran com sitges i a la sorra poca gent i banyanse gent pero nomes entre les banderes. Tothom amb les seves planxes de surf, i nomes els experimentats amb surf podien nedar fora de les banderas. A mes a mes altres platges per les cuals he passat tenien reixes perque els taurons no hi entrin i la majoria de gent es banyava dins de les zones (molt petites) amb reds. Encara mes impressionant ha estat el fet que mentres la gent es banyava entre les banderes han vingut els guardianes de la playa i han comencat a pitar el pito, tothom a sortit del mar. Llavors han mogut les banderetes cap a l esquerra uns 20 metres i tothom s ha traslladat 20 metres cap a un canto i s han banyat alla!!! molt curios tot plegat...
Potser m apunto a unes classes de surf, sembla que a ma mare no li fa res que fagi surf! Pero en un lloc on tu ensenyin. No vol que em compri una planxa i em tiri sola al mar i em devorin els taurons.
Com es pot veure, encara que no molt be la gent es banya nomes en una franja de la platja.
Aixo son piscines (n hi han unes quantes) d aigua salada, al costat del mar, on et pots banyar i no hi han taurons ni animals raros ni onades! ;D
Com veieu la gent es banya dins del recinte marcat per les reds... Pot sonar bestia, pero crec que millor anar amb cuidado!
X cert l aigua esta CONGELADA! i el sol pica moltissim, he llegit a la lonley planet que 1 de cada 2 australians te cancer de pell!
17 de gener 2007
Vinga va! avui en catala i ple de faltes d ortografia. Unes cuantes curiositats australianes son que en cap tenda fins ara he trobat crema solar mes baixa de 30, tots son de 30 o mes!!! Tambe les monedes les trobo molt curioses les de 50 centims son gegantines i hexagonals i les de 2 dollars son petitissimes i gruixudes!! Ahh i els creuaments per vianants tenen uns senyals molt curiosos, a qui en teniu un. . . aixo hi es a cada pas de vienants!
Avui no he fet gaire mes que passejar per el centre de la ciutat i mira l ambient que hi havia. Encara que es una ciutat cara te un ambient molt relaxat i la gent son simpatics. Hauria de pendre una mica el sol i posarme morena pero buff a mi la calor em cansa molt. Avui li he dit a la Marina que vull apendre a fer surf i comprarme una planxa whahah pero no li ha agradat gaire l idea a la meva companya de pis...
X cert, quina cervessa em recomaneu?
Avui no he fet gaire mes que passejar per el centre de la ciutat i mira l ambient que hi havia. Encara que es una ciutat cara te un ambient molt relaxat i la gent son simpatics. Hauria de pendre una mica el sol i posarme morena pero buff a mi la calor em cansa molt. Avui li he dit a la Marina que vull apendre a fer surf i comprarme una planxa whahah pero no li ha agradat gaire l idea a la meva companya de pis...
X cert, quina cervessa em recomaneu?
Regarding the stay in thailand it was great!! It was quite short only 2 days but taking in account we were all anxious to get down under it was enough. Bangkok is definatley a city i did not like, it was polluted, caotic, crowded and just not my style. I choose Delhi as a better city... :D Anyways, after our arrival we went to have a walk around the center were we founda bunch of shops in the streets, basically markets that sold everything at the best prices ever. I told my self i would buy the puma shoes i like the day after but the next day those shops were gone :( luckily i got my watch there for 3 euros haha i wonder how long its gona last! And as far as it goes the watch is a bit too big for me so ill have to do something to it which will cost me more than 3 euros...I wanted to buy some jeans but of course thai girls are like 20 sizes smaller than me so at the shops they kept laughing at me. "Excuse me do you have my size?" " hahaha NO".. im not joking they were literarily laughing at me,but at the end one of them said they did have the size, hurray!. The most funny parts about the malls were the "dolls" that the shops have and dress up to show what they sell...here are some of them, i find them HILARIOUS.
But anyways it wasnt all about shopping,that was only for a short while. We visited the golden buddha and the famous buddha that is laying down,which was gorgeous.Also the royal palace with great temples, although they were not my favourite style they were still really beuatifull with hand made painted walls.We had a nice visit around the floating market were we were on a boat for about 1.30 hours going around the market and seeing how each woman from her boat was selling fruits and vegetables, and meals...it was quite nice altough i had expected to see more boats.
Maybe there is a special day where there are even more boats and more market action... we also had a tour on an elephant with my dad, which was a bit too organized in my opinion. I would have liked to go on an elephant in the middle of no where or just somewhere but not on a specific 30 minute round path made for the elephant, i felt it was a bit fake al togheter but i still got to go on the elephant which was quite cool. Nevertheless,inside of me i had this voice running in my head saying "poor animal"...just walking around the circuit over and over and over and over...felt kind of bad for the elephant.
..and of course being in thailand and there being never ending thaimassages place...you could get a massage for 1 hour for 4 euros that was a must. It was great... even though not my favorite city architectonically i will stop there again if i have the chance to do so :D
Also funny on monday almost everyother Thai was wearing a yellow t shirt! I went up to ask what was going on and the answer i got was " we commemorate the kings birthday" ... "oh, so its his birthday today?" i asked... and they say" no no, everymonday we commemorate his birthday"... INTERESTING.everywhere aroundt the city and i really mean everywhere there were pictures of the king and signs saying Long Live the king. Even in the airport in every tunnel that gets you from the terminal to the plane there were huge signs saying Long Live the King... It was trully unbelivable!
But anyways it wasnt all about shopping,that was only for a short while. We visited the golden buddha and the famous buddha that is laying down,which was gorgeous.Also the royal palace with great temples, although they were not my favourite style they were still really beuatifull with hand made painted walls.We had a nice visit around the floating market were we were on a boat for about 1.30 hours going around the market and seeing how each woman from her boat was selling fruits and vegetables, and meals...it was quite nice altough i had expected to see more boats.
Maybe there is a special day where there are even more boats and more market action... we also had a tour on an elephant with my dad, which was a bit too organized in my opinion. I would have liked to go on an elephant in the middle of no where or just somewhere but not on a specific 30 minute round path made for the elephant, i felt it was a bit fake al togheter but i still got to go on the elephant which was quite cool. Nevertheless,inside of me i had this voice running in my head saying "poor animal"...just walking around the circuit over and over and over and over...felt kind of bad for the elephant.
..and of course being in thailand and there being never ending thaimassages place...you could get a massage for 1 hour for 4 euros that was a must. It was great... even though not my favorite city architectonically i will stop there again if i have the chance to do so :D
Also funny on monday almost everyother Thai was wearing a yellow t shirt! I went up to ask what was going on and the answer i got was " we commemorate the kings birthday" ... "oh, so its his birthday today?" i asked... and they say" no no, everymonday we commemorate his birthday"... INTERESTING.everywhere aroundt the city and i really mean everywhere there were pictures of the king and signs saying Long Live the king. Even in the airport in every tunnel that gets you from the terminal to the plane there were huge signs saying Long Live the King... It was trully unbelivable!
Me acting like an idiot with my dads old hat, that he bought on a super hot day in the harbour...
Today has been a 100%touristy day,besides a 10 minute stop to do paperwork regarding visas I have spend my day in the hop on hop off sydney and bondi bus traveling around, geting off at stops and seeing a bit around, by the end i was exhausted. I had a nice look at circular quay which is the place where the ferries leave to different parts of the city and also there are all the buses leaving from there. Infront of circular quay i stoped at the library, which there was a 3D representation of the city and you could "walk on it" pretty neat,but still i prefer the real views. So what i just stoped to look at where the bunch of different newspapers they had,from spanish to american to asia, to new zeland herald. I just liek to have a look at those kind of things...
I also stoped at mrs. macquaries Pt, to get the typical view of the sydnehy opera and bridge. I crossed the bridge by bus too,but next time i want to cross it by foot to see what kind of views i can get.
Most suprising where the bontanic gardens as some trees were full of bats. sleeping and flying around...and not 2 or 3 but maybe 100 or 150...freaky!
here are some of the bats..im definatly not having ever walks into parks at night,but this proofs even more that i wount do it!
I ended up having lunch at the fish market, some delicious food. Even though i spend xmas in spain it had been a while since i had eaten good fresh fish and lunch was great, dinner time was a repeat this time at darling harbour but with fish again...oh man will i miss the fish!! I stoped at bondi beach which is one of sydneys beaches and which is considered a great touristy area and with a few resorts around, really suprising was the shining pure white color of the sand, lovely. I was just shocked by the signs of please swim between the flags. There was only a relatively small area of the beach at which you could swim and it was generally well respected by the people. Amazing, however i guess nobody wants to risk geting stincked by a deadly jelly fish or eaten up by sharks!
Just have a look at the white sand...maybe you cant see it but it was certanly beautiful..
15 de gener 2007
Ive made it!!!This morning i heard the words, Ladies and Gentelment welcome to Syndey, current time is 6am and temperature 21 degrees. Please do not unfasten your seatbelts until the seatbelt sign has completely been turned off. Tralalalala, i am quite a bit jetlaged and tiered,but my first impressions of the city have been nice, although cloudy in the morning then the sun came out and we went to the telcommunication tower to see the views of Sydney and had lunch at darling harbour,right by our Hotel...then center of city walk. The city looks great,safe,relax,nice,friendly and just a nice place to stay at. At night you can breath the sea breeze which is nice, and it hasnt goten too hot yet. The views are also real nice with a all the small bays and parks in the city. Hopefully we can get a house with views to the sea ;-) haha im just daydreaming here.Its been great to suddenly arrive in the summer, just got to be carefull with the strong sun that will burn my white skin. On the 26th of January it will be the Australian Day! :) Fireworks at the harbour...shall be nice.
Tommorrow ill try to get some pics of the typical view of the bridge and the opera house in Sydney. I cant belive the bridge is climable,its a 3 hour tour in which you climb the bridge...sounds cool,but im not the best person with hights so maybe i better leave the idea. I trully dont want to fly back 24 hours straight, 13 and 9 where already enough!
08 de gener 2007
Sydney and Bangkok here I come
This is very irritating because I try to post things but something is wrong and its not allowing me to edit too much, nor put HTML codes :S
So i have figured that i will try and keep a travel blog for the next two weeks. I doubt that it will be possible,but i will give it my best try, i suck at keeping things up! So shall i start now??
tommorrow is tuesday which means that there are only 3 more days until i leave to Australia!Im super excited, been trying to figure out what to visit and what to do,for sure i will be around sydney for a few days but if i have time and funds i would like to go with my mother up north towards brisbane,but we shall see,its a huge continent! I only have two weeks though. I also thought about going to check out the blue mountains. If not ill just relax at my parents place :)
On our way to Sydney ill have a two hour stop at Heathrow which will not allow anything but to travel once again from terminal 1 to 4 and wish i had a day to walk around London.... and I will stop in Bangkok for 2 nites which im super excited about, planning to visit the floating market and all the temples around there. Ahh cant wait, the luggage is almost packed, t-shirts and skirts...summer here i come!! :)
So i have figured that i will try and keep a travel blog for the next two weeks. I doubt that it will be possible,but i will give it my best try, i suck at keeping things up! So shall i start now??
tommorrow is tuesday which means that there are only 3 more days until i leave to Australia!Im super excited, been trying to figure out what to visit and what to do,for sure i will be around sydney for a few days but if i have time and funds i would like to go with my mother up north towards brisbane,but we shall see,its a huge continent! I only have two weeks though. I also thought about going to check out the blue mountains. If not ill just relax at my parents place :)
On our way to Sydney ill have a two hour stop at Heathrow which will not allow anything but to travel once again from terminal 1 to 4 and wish i had a day to walk around London.... and I will stop in Bangkok for 2 nites which im super excited about, planning to visit the floating market and all the temples around there. Ahh cant wait, the luggage is almost packed, t-shirts and skirts...summer here i come!! :)
04 de gener 2007
02 de gener 2007
New Email in my inbox!!!!!!!!!
Vueling / Email Reminder
Vueling wishes to remind you that your flight to Amsterdam shall depart this Thursday 04/01/2007.
....although I appreciate their customer service, there is no need for a reminder, im well aware that thursday morning i will be back, back in the world of bikes,cheese,water,and green fields...
Vueling / Email Reminder
Vueling wishes to remind you that your flight to Amsterdam shall depart this Thursday 04/01/2007.
....although I appreciate their customer service, there is no need for a reminder, im well aware that thursday morning i will be back, back in the world of bikes,cheese,water,and green fields...
01 de gener 2007
Amores Perros by Alejandro González Iñárritu
A movie worth seeing recommended by a 0 movie fan... to be added to the list of Babel and 21 grams all in the same style,expressing the desperation and problems of life that many times we are driven into without wil, great dramas that play with various stories linked by one scene...
great afternoon with a good movie.
A movie worth seeing recommended by a 0 movie fan... to be added to the list of Babel and 21 grams all in the same style,expressing the desperation and problems of life that many times we are driven into without wil, great dramas that play with various stories linked by one scene...
great afternoon with a good movie.
Stop Complaining, people are literate.
I could not stop but listen to those noisy annoying people talking by me yesturday in the train, even if it was 4.30 in the morning and i was falling asleep they were just irritating. One more stop and I would have turned arounded to comment on their face and tell them to shut up.
Description starts, 3 french people who believed France was superior to Spain. So they spend the 20 minute train ride commenting on how their new years had suxed as they paid 35 euros, for music that was not great and drinks that were not great. Seriously, why dont you chosse the place you will go out to a bit better?? Then everything else was complaining about Spain and Spanish people. Honestly,if all you are planning to do is bitch about a country you might as well get out of it and go live in your utopic land... and stop speaking in your own language thinking that no one understands...because indeed, spanish is similar to french and catalan is even more similar.
This also goes for all those spanish noisy people who are always shouting when they are in the dutch trains, its annoying its VERY annoying.
The new year beggins and in Spain this means, that trains,tolls,electricity,telephone,water,gas etc has all increased by a minimum of a 2% .... and salaries obviously as well...not!
2006 was good, or maybe i just remember the good parts... now im afraid of 2007!! :S
Description starts, 3 french people who believed France was superior to Spain. So they spend the 20 minute train ride commenting on how their new years had suxed as they paid 35 euros, for music that was not great and drinks that were not great. Seriously, why dont you chosse the place you will go out to a bit better?? Then everything else was complaining about Spain and Spanish people. Honestly,if all you are planning to do is bitch about a country you might as well get out of it and go live in your utopic land... and stop speaking in your own language thinking that no one understands...because indeed, spanish is similar to french and catalan is even more similar.
This also goes for all those spanish noisy people who are always shouting when they are in the dutch trains, its annoying its VERY annoying.
The new year beggins and in Spain this means, that trains,tolls,electricity,telephone,water,gas etc has all increased by a minimum of a 2% .... and salaries obviously as well...not!
2006 was good, or maybe i just remember the good parts... now im afraid of 2007!! :S
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